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Waking up felt different when I was on Josh's bed, I slowly turned around with my hand held on my head because it started hurting a bit, I looked to the side of the big bed where Josh was supposed to be but he was already out the door, I shut my eyes for a minute and then thats when somebody started play around with my hair I opened my eyes to see him smiling, It felt like my eyes started fluttering as i was simply staring at him.


I got up with hid hand still stroking the front side of my hair, I could hardly see my vision was pretty blurry making me rub my eyes a bit until i could see clearly, meaning i could see Josh's smile more clearer,

"How was your rest?"

He got up and walked to the room door and opened it while staring at me happily, he left with the door still opened maybe waiting for me to get up I sighed and got up tired, Josh was waiting on the couch with a tray of varieties of food, i walked over to the couch and sat down next to him, I was kind of impressed on how much he can cook,

"Wow Josh, I didn't know you could cook this much"

He looked away and smiled, he also looked a bit sad, I wanted to ask what was wrong but I stared at him and tried seeing what was wrong but I couldn't figure it out, he then stared back not smiling anymore, I then had enough audacity to speak up and ask what was wrong,

"Hey...uhm..Josh, are you ok? You look kind of sad..."

He didn't respond back, that's when I started to think that he was sad because of me, I rethought the events that had happened before, maybe he hadn't forgotten what happend the last time but i really wasn't sure...

We had finished cleaning up the breakfast plates, but he was still looking upset for some reason, i was supposed to start leaving but i didn't like seeing Josh like this before I then went over to where he was sitting and stood next to him he didn't look or make any emotion he was just sitting there desperately, I was just about to open my mouth and ask something but then he stopped me,

"Jelly...have you ever had a..."


"A person...that loved you...before me...?"

My eyes then lid up a bit, I'm guessing he's asking if i have ever had a...girlfriend and sounded a bit serious about it, but I didn't say anything because the thing was...i did have one, but then she had being going out a lot and i started getting suspicious...I was thinking about that too much that i almost forgot Josh was sitting there wsi for me to talk but i stayed quiet because i didn't know how I would explain it, it was pure silence for a few minutes then I decided to think about it and answer his question

"Josh i-"

"'s ok, by the way is it Ok if I drive you home?"

I smiled at him, I guess he just wants to make sure I'm safe, but I know that i keep myself out of danger without him

"It's alright Josh, I can go home alone with out any supervision from you"

"Jelly are you s-"

"Josh it's fine, i can just take the bus, the same way I got here easy-peasy"

He sighed, then took my hoodie that was in the bedroom and told me to wear it, when I did he opened door and I stepped out, he then waved bye to me while the door was still opened and i waved bye back a little confused, but I was already walking to the elevator that had its doors open already, when I left the apartment i was worried about Josh, why didn't he let me answer the question he asked...? Oh well, i guess it doesn't really matter, but it was still in my head that i didn't realize that i was walking on the road...and it was a green light for cars to head was tilted down as I felt giant pieces of metal crashing into me...I could feel my heart rate raising, and I could feel my head spinning and me blacking out...not remembering a thing that happened

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now