(S3) 2 Fun-Sized Relationships

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I changed my settings to my previous place. I felt my body stop to the thought of Josh having to go attend something involving his parents... it had to be by mail, though, and it's been a while since he's left. I hung out with Crainer for a bit just to see how him and Ian are restoring their bond after years. Obviously, I felt bad for leaving him at the apartment and moving in with Josh without his concern. Right now, Crainer's dazed and doesn't know how to approach them when they actually have to catch each other up with their lives. After I found that Ian is 35, I thought Crainer still had a crush on a father. He does look like the average age of 30. Small, noticeable wrinkles and all, but at least his hair and beard don't look so damaged like some cripple on the street.

He's a mature looking guy, but Josh isn't on the pleasant side with him as much as I expected since they're both mature but very different in age, height, and appearance. Me and Crainers types are all very different. It's a silly thing to fuss about since Josh is still as protective as ever.

"Are you more stressed than I am?"

"Maybe. It's giving me a bit of interest on how you and Ian are going. You don't seem that nervous anymore."

"Nah... it's going OK.."

"So.. how is trying to be mature around Ian going?"


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I stood frozen into the middle of me, leaning down to Ian.. not knowing what I was doing. It was like falling to death when I saw his eyelids beginning to open and saw my face so close up to him. My face was burning up, and I had no choice but to panic out while he was getting up, looking confused. Regretting my actions has never felt so real until now. Muscle memory helped me be able to shade my face from him so he couldn't see how flustered face.

Ian hasn't said anything in.. minutes. My hand began to give out from shading my face because I could feel his eyes wandering me all over, I even backed away, feeling eery because of what would happen now. Backing away and sprinting out the door was the plan. My introverted thoughts were whispering to me, but I'm as still as the Statue of Liberty right now. He looks dazed. If he's acting like I'm going to stab him anytime soon. It's somewhat creeping me out that he isn't saying anything and just staring...

"Where are you going?"

..maybe, I just shouldn't have thought anything. Just have to act more mature

"Uhh.. you were just asleep.. are you ok now?"

Other than giving me an immediate question, he rubbed his eye and got up like he just got up in the morning.. it's just really late at night or super early in the morning. But he looks so refreshed.. and apparently.. coming over to me. I'm not even sure if he's sober yet. His face is still a bit red. Am I just seeing things? It'd be unnecessary to exuse myself again when I already had before. I was hoping he could handle them and his liquor, but they have a curse on un-mature-ing somebody easily. Now Ian is flat drunk in front of my bothered self. I already planned for him to sleep in my bed for the night, but my head was pitying me a lot because the explanation that should be told to him the next morning isn't fully done yet -


"Huh!.. yeah?.."

Jeez.. he keeps surprising me by my name. Is that also one of his drinking habits as well, because he does it when he's sober , too?
"Come sleep."

"Uh.. you can go back to bed.. I need time to think and tidy up.."

Nothing but a shivering face formed. This was really going into a weird path. He isn't close but less than a foot away from me. He stopped talking randomly, which made my heart think he was going to collapse again like last time at the ront of the door. Suddenly.. the creaks of the floorboards alerted me again. Ian was walking over here.. is he drunk? He stopped close to me , and our height difference spurred embarrassingly. I did have to slightly rise my eye lid up just to spot his face, but at this time, i could feel his chest touching me. My ankle stiffened , and the nerves and muscles of my face couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to say something.. so we won't be here all night

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