(S2) Bad Ending, Good Ending

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The next day, she eneded up agreeing with the idea, She hasn't done anything. But agreed, it almost felt like I was controlling her to do my bitting.. it sounds so pathetic and why's she agreeing? Why did I let her into this mess. Just because she's Jelly's past lover... I shouldn't get her involved. I don't even know why I asked.

"You can back down if you think you're being forced"

"... what do you mean?"

"We haven't even known eachother for more than two days and you're letting it go on"

"What's wrong.."

..another reason could be I'm been tricked.. telling her all this info. She might even be a spy. Although if she even tried to backfire what I'm putting her through i wouldn't be suprised. Therefore, that would put me in a worsening position.


Try screwing the plan, and let's wait and see when the next events occur.


Suprisenly, it's the first time I've ever found such a trusting female, aside from others. She has moved up the relationship but because of my lack of timing. Everything that's happened just put me in a infuriating state. Though the plan in the beginning sounded like I was forcing her to do something brutal, and put herself into bad influence against Jelly. Since then, that's when Jelly's amnesia was just clearing up... the verse just reminded me that everything really can't just go your way. Now that me and this sidekick of mine are infront of eachother, also getting prepared to confess something to somebody we both have feelings for. . . Could jinx us out.

"What are you thinking so long and hard for?"

"I'm suprised you made it this far"

A small smile grew.

"Sure, what can I say? I mean.. Though it's you that Jelly likes now, how could i not help?"

I guess she's not noticing what i mean, she likes Jelly aswell, and she's won Jelly. How did that lead to giving hand to someone with the least form of impression who has the nerve to like the same person. I wish I could say it out loud bug I should just keep it in my head. This really wasn't up to your expectation, Josh, now was it.

"Is it just difficult to tell him about what we've been doing behind his back?"


"He already knows, he just needs the evidence, Josh"

"I know, then what will we do after?"

"We build a better future"

"That's very passionate, coming from you"

It did. What other shit could i spew? Anyway this conversation has gone for long enough.

"I got it from my sister"

"Ah.. Amelia, right?"


"How is she doing? I've really wanted to meet her"

"She would like somebody like you"

"You think-?"

"You should meet her at one point, we'll figure out a way to introduce you after telling Jelly to the others"

"I'm only talking about this because Amelia almost remined me of you"

"Huh?.. how"

"She'd spew advice aswell"

Sayin that the advice she spews aren't the best, but the recent advice she gave to me made me think.

"Just recently, she did"

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now