Getting Into A Situation

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After math class, me and Crainer were heading outside for lunch, we don't like sitting inside because it gets so loud sometimes. I thought Crainer would have forgotten what happened at math, but he asked

"Jelly, honestly what happened at class today, cuz I'm worried for you"

I knew he would ask that but all I did was raise a brow and grinned at him, but he didn't make any emotion which meant he was dead serious. So i replied

"Crainer, honestly I'm ok, it's nothing that serious..."

He then stopped walking and i did too,

"Jelly, your whole face was boiling red when Josh looked at you, I'm concerned for you. I think you're sick..."

I just let out a sigh and that's when I realized i needed the bathroom

"Crainer, can I please go use the bathroom really quick?"

Crainer then nodded his head yes with a sigh, and he moved out of my way to go to the bathroom.

On my way to the bathroom I understood why Crainer was concerned, I he was my first ever friend well at this school and I feel like without him I would be nothing, so I'm grateful having Crainer in my life. When I got into the bathroom, I realized i didn't walk into the boys' bathroom, but the girls and there were like 8 girls in there. I ran as fast as I could out of there before I got tissue paper thrown at me, when I was running away accidently bumped into someone. The person didn't fall, not that I thought, but I just hit my head so hard that it felt like i was having a 5-second headache.

"Watch it, short shit, what the fuck!"

wait, short shit was i talking to...Joshua? When I finally started to see clearly again I saw i was talking to Josh, he had his hands in his pocket and just looked down at me like he was looking at his shoes, he didn't want to help me get up, rude much.

"Get up shorty, it's not like the floors are your bed"

I really didn't like how he was calling me short or shorty it just offended me. I was able to get up from the floor and i stepped back one time just not to get too close to him, but when i stepped back he stepped one more towards me. I started to feel the same feeling from math class because he was so close to me I could only see like the top of his nose, but i just looked down. He then got his hands and raised my chin up to his eyes, he's hands were so soft...I felt like I was slowly melting again but i tried fighting it.

"You know, I've actually being looking for you because I wanted to ask why you were looking at me almost half the whole math period? What are you? A Fagot!?"

He shouted. I felt that one pain on my I was getting scared but i fought back. He then let go of my chin but he did it really hard, that it kind of hurts. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me.

"why were you looking at me the whole period? I won't let you leave if you don't give me an answer"

What was with this guy...he's very serious about everything...and to make sure he was dead serious about it, he grabbed my hands and pinned me to the wall, he looked down at me with that one face. I started to get scared like I was going to get beating up soon wishing Crainer even anyone here would come help me, but no one was here, all Josh did was he sighed and said

"look, you think I'm going to hurt you..but the thing is i just don't like it when people stare at me it just weirds me out sometimes and i get angry..."

i looked up at him and he looked down at me, it was at this point eye contact, but I lost it I started blushing at him again, I tried hiding it with my hands because i thought he would call me a fagot again for acting gay around him, he didn't though. Josh let his hands on my hands pulling them down from my face, my head was still down because I was embarrassed as fuck, but i didn't say anything, he started leaning at me his face was so close it was like we were going to...kiss..but he just stopped at my ear to whisper at me,

"i already said It I'm not going to hurt you so stop acting like i will, I want to do something else with you and I'm usally not like this but..."

He then pulled me to the back of the lockers and pinned me to a wall has he lost it what was he trying to do, he hardly knows me and now he's- gosh... this was to much for my head I've never had this happen to me before.

"W-what are you doing!?"

I wanted him to let go but at the same time i wanted him not to let go, he leaned at me once again and this time we actually...did it...I was kissing the new student who just came here a few hours earlier, but as we were kissing i hoped nobody would randomly come into the locker and catch us, but has he was uncontrollably kissing me I then realized what i was doing i thought for a second then was able to push him back, that push...felt very strong..I hoped I didn't hurt him or get mad

" you do know how self-defense works"

"Are you crazy!? I hardly know you and you're randomly making out with me i thought you hated me!"

He then walked closer and stopped smiling, that made me then know that I might have snapped at him a little, my confidence was slowly fading,

"I didn't want you to think i hated you"

"Well you could've done something else to show you didn't hate me"

A smirk then grew on his face as he was slowly pinning me to the wall again my nervousness wasn't holding back anymore

"Something else, huh"

"I- I didn't mean it like that-"

I think he was mad, but bullshit this guys insane...i looked away with my eyes shut tight because i needed a break from all this, i then looked back but before I could even open my mouth again he leaned in and our lips touched once again, I couldn't stop him this time He started to lean in more, he made a bit difficult to breathe, I wanted to push him away but he was stronger than i thought, we stayed kissing for a bit he then let go of my hands and grabbed my waist, and lifted me up one of the lockers. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he then made his way down to my jeans he put his hand through, and he was gently rubbing the skin from my legs, that was a bit embarrassing because my legs were a bit hairy. I then started whimpering, I could feel his smooth hands gripping my waist, I didn't even know what i was doing, I've never felt this way before, it went on like that for so long...I didn't want him to stop...he then made his way to my neck and started slowly kissing it, his soft kisses made me want to fly away he slowly started to suck it making it feel better, I felt so was like he was getting hornier the more he did it, and it really felt so relaxing, I whispered to him

He then put his finger over my mouth and told me to enjoy it and just call him the shorter way of saying his name Josh, I wish I wasnt enjoying it but i was. I gripped on to his hoodie and wrapped my legs around his waist, this went on for almost 10 minutes, then i remembered we had to get to class and i had to go back to Crainer then suddenly the bell had rang, it was time for the next period. Me and Joshua- i mean Josh got out of the lockers rooms, I wanted to ask so many questions but i just didn't have the audacity to ask them

"did you enjoy that?~"

Josh asked in a seductive way, and he made it look so easy to act all innocent like nothing had happened for the last 20 minutes. It made me blush more, but I just said,

"s-shut up, what is with you...?"

"But you can't blame me it's not my fault you were enjoying it,"


He winked and left like nothing had happened. I just thought to myself to what just happened, did i just make out with the newiest kid i hardly know...or did he just sexually assault me...i put my hand over my head scared, what was I putting myself into, it was also difficult to stop thinking about it...

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now