(S3) Hang Up For Friend

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"How long do you think it'll take?"

There wasn't many of us, but what i said about Sanna somehow enlarging our group looked like an audience waiting for the real deal to happen. Currently, all 5 of us were surrounding Josh in the living room, I'm pretty sure one of us had turned off the lights to create suspense. Since they haven't used the device in such a while, we had to be put in hours of fully loading the main screen. Earlier, Amelia mentioned only Josh knew the password to it, but there was even an ancient 70's riddle about Britian history, non of us know that.. he suprisenly knew all the secrets pathways and answers, sure, Josh is an intelligent person.. but some of these took much more IQ than me, Crainer and Jordi's combined. I guess Josh was a prodigy, wasn't he.. considering he had graduated after he met me. Those days, are hard to focus on.. too off topic right now. The plan was, Crainer had to give Josh a list of features he remembers of Ian. His full name, nationality, what he'd do for a living etc. All of it was generated into one file, we all just needed to be patient.

JT: "Just 43 minutes. It goes faster after 30"

C: "Are we really about to do this, though?.."

JB: "Hey, i mean.. if we back down now, that'd be unfortunate. Right?"

S: "No doubt, we're about to use an old device that's as fragile as an antique car or even crime crising"

C: "we'd all be locked up if any of us even put our prints on that device.."

J: "Oh.. so that's why Josh is wearing gloves.."

A: "Oh, quit sweating. Josh is a rank 3 assassin, it's alright.."

C: "what does rank 3 even me-?"

S: "Yeah, but he's not trustworthy, he'd would most likely escape with only Jelly and forget we existed.."

J: "Most likely...."

Crainers question from earlier made me take one more glance to Crainers much more anxious face, it couldn't be helped aswell, finding a guy from all those years ago isn't as easy as drinking from the jug but i hope he understands we all stayed here for 5 hours staring at a old device just to find this guy. It's a bit exra and i take much responsibility for thinking so much about it, but what a waste would it be to undo everything. Just hearing that there are only 40 minutes left compared to Jordi over there getting leg cramps because he refused to sit down ever since we he got here... for some stupid reason. He endures too much pain.

How hyped up do we have to be anyways If we really do find this guy? Surely, maybe Crainer wouldn't be jumping up and down about it aswell, but if we're really about to find this guys information, what would we do with it to find him? How could we use it, infact..? Well, we better figure out something because we didn't stay standing 5 hours just for nothing. What sort of conclusion would this turn out to become anyways, it's honestly kinda of nerve-wracking to think about it.


All lids where shut off by the sound of the random beeps that the device made, most of us almost fell over from the sudden noise.. apparently, looking at the slot that popped up on the screen. We may.. have just found this guy. I really didn't belive it. You're usually never suppose to trust murderers, right..? After taking one good look at it once again and revisioning it. It may have just happened. I dunno if i caused a conflict or a benefit.. I rotated to the smart guy that forced me to sit on his lap while he was processing it, I only agreed because everyone else took all the sits.

"Has it.. finished?"

All of us didn't stare away from Josh and were just needing an obvious answer.. it's basically loading the main screen.

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