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On my way home, my mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner already,

"Good afternoon, ma"

I only lived with my mom because her and my dad had divorced when me and my brother were 5 and 7, my dad took my Older brother because he adored him better than me, he always thought "I was to short to do anything on my own" but it clearly doesn't matter what height you are.

"Hey schat, hoe was school?(Hey hunny, how was school?)"

"It was good mom.."

"Ah, Jelle I hope Benjamin has being making sure your ok at school, isn't he a really good bodyguard"

I nodded my head uninterested went up to my room, I could hardly think straight because...I couldn't stop thinking about me and Josh...making out..in the locker room. Ugh..the more I think about it I just wanna do again..ugh, gosh i hated this..I just kept thinking the same thing over and over again the way we kissed, the way he held my hand and the way he slowly sucked on my neck...it was all in my head and I wanted to just forget about it i face planted on my pillow just trying to get myself comfortable enough to go to sleep.

It was still in my head as i was walking to school just a bit early I didn't know if I should tell Crainer what had happened...I'm pretty sure he would start talking shit about Josh for the next month or something, but atleast i wasn't gonna get screamed at. Crainer saw me coming from the big gate outside the front of the school and he saw me with a very depressed looking face so he always does this one thing when he sees me with a very stressed face and tries to make me laugh half the time it never works,

"Honestly this is the earliest you'veevery being what happened to being 10 minutes late every God damn day?"

He said with his eyes closed, he tried to look so passionate while saying that I just stared at him looking looking like an idiot and rolled my eyes with a small sigh, Crainer opened his eyes and saw me looking depressed still, that should probably tell him that he's trying to hard.

"Jelly, what's wrong? Did you trip and i wasn't able to catch you?"

Now he's acting like he didn't make the same joke 2 days ago, i looked up at him with both of my eyes rested,

"Ok, but seriously what happened Jelly? I know my jokes aren't funny but I don't like seeing you looking like that"

He switches his emotions so fast for me, which means he really cares for me but...i didn't want to tell him what happened yesterday,

"i just woke up in the wrong side of the bed"

He knew i was lying obviously, so he stared at me and made a serious face, now i started to feel sweat rolling down my neck, should i tell him?...what was I going to do...?

"seriously, Jelle"

yea.. i don't think he was joking this time, i..had no choice but to tell him because i don't want to lie to my best friend, i wish there was a way to somehow get myself out of this...but I couldn't make up any excuse i looked back and fourth just to see people coming from the other side of the hall because class was about to start

"Crainer...can we talk about this somewhere...non public...?"

He sighed and we walked to te boys bathroom, luckily no body was in there and we had to make sure no body was coming in.

"Ok, Jelly tell me what is going on"

i told him everything that happened yesterday with more water rolling down my skin, His jaw dropped he looked angry and suprised at the same time,


My whole heart just skipped a beat, i hesitated and covered his mouth, looking back and fourth again

"Don't say it so loudly!"


"i knew you would tell your ass bodyguard"

We heard footsteps and a voice coming in from the bathroomth, it could have being anyone else...anyone else...but it was Josh, Crainer slowly turned to me and pulled my hand from his mouth.

"Jelly...h-how can you.."

"If you could stop stuttering then he would actually know what your saying"

I looked at Josh and and at Crainer completely confused on what I should do, I was so stumped my heart almost skipped a beat. Crainer walked closer to Josh and Josh had his arms crossed and he looked like he was about beat up Crainer so I started getting scared for both of them. Josh then walked outside the bathroom and Crainer followed I ran out behind them but they were already making a scene, i had no way of stopping this fight. People were already crowding around them demanding them to fight eachother.

"Are you going to explain one thing, why you randomly made the with Jelly in the locker room! Are you insane!?"

"Then you should have followed him, your the only one Jelly has, you're the only person Jelly trusts in this entire school"


"you don't have to fucking scream! It already happened and first of all he said he enjoyed it!"

The croud went quiet after that, I was still at the back of the whole thing, until someone noticed me...

"Hey look it's jelle!"

Instantly the mob of people turned to me, uncontrollably trembling at the front of the boys bathroom,

"So..you made out with the new kid"
"How can someone as ugly as you have that kind of luck"

Then everyone there started laughing and gossiping about me, hearing their words made my legs tremble, my face was covered in sweat I wanted myself to disappear, my whole body felt like water i couldn't move, I couldn't speak...i couldn't do anything...

Crainer had realized what he just did...he exposed me to the whole school. Josh and me both stared at eachother, he could see the tears strolling down my face he made a small grin then led his head down he didn't say word, no apology no nothing...all he did was turn back and leave. Everyone moved away for him to pass through, Crainer turned around to me, but I was already gone,i ran out of the building crying harder than I've ever cried, I could hear Crainer shouting out my name but i didn't turn back. When i reached my house i barged open the door, and ran up my to my room,

"Jelle!? What happened?"

My mom was calling but i didn't move, i just jumped to my bed crying quietly but hard, my mom walked into my room and sat down at the edge of my bed, I'm pretty sure she wanted to ask a million questions

"Jelle, what happened, why are you back home and why are you crying?"

I didn't respond back because my crys wouldn't even let me speak but since my mom really understood me and my anxiety she asked if i needed alone time and i got up and nodded my head yes and she left my room giving me some time to rest. I fell asleep for 2 hours and it was almost 5PM, i had over a million notifications from Crainer, but I put my phone on silent and kept asking myself why my life was like this...i'll never forgive Josh...I hate him... all because of him the whole school now knows...what happened..I never want to see his stupid face ever again...I felt my throat burning up as i said that, i just wanted to stop thinking about it and go to sleep. Then i heard the door, I didn't go down but i heard Crainer's voice, i few seconds later i heard footsteps up my door,

"Jelly, you in there...? I'm sorry please forgive me I didn't mean to expose you to the whole school..I just got really angry"

well i already forgave him anyways, the only person i would never forgive was Josh, I never wanted to go to school ever again...*sighs*

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now