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Days started passing like seconds, in a blink of an eye it was already the next week and by tomorrow. . . He'll be gone. I can't stop thinking about it. Such a pain, I then went back to focus mode because i needed to put my mind on anything else but him specifically. I glanced over at my phone, thinking I'd get any notifs.. how stupid of me think like that - i grabbed my phone, and I wasn't expecting it, I did get a text notification... I then slammed my phone screen first on my bedsheets. . . Is it... him? Or - i tried clearing my mind as I picked up my phone feeling uneasy. . . Why do I feel like this? I saw that instead of him, it was.. Amelia, she usually doesn't text me if we're planning on going out.

'JELLY! What happened with you and Josh last week??? After u left that day, Josh randomly told me out of nowhere that we had to start packing our stuff to go back to the UK and nothing more than that! i would've texted u last week, but i was busy packing ig. Do u know going on!?? Because josh won't talk! >:(('

. . He hasn't told her anything yet... this is obviously his fault, what will I say? I mean.. I know what's happening, but I don't want to scare Amelia. . . . Wait, this is probably also the reason why Josh didn't say anything, but keeping this a secret for months also wasn't the right thing to do.

'We did fight, that's why I left, I'm also aware that you guys are leaving tomorrow, sorry, but i don't know what's going on.. try asking him again after a while.'

'UGH! i don't wanna leave!! U guys are coming to see us leave tomorrow, right? Atleast lets say our goodbyes T n T'

Ah.. right, we do have to say goodbyes to them. . . But I said i wouldn't meet him at the airport last week. Well, I can say i only came to say bye to Amelia and not him.

'Of course we're going to the airport tomorrow to say our goodbyes :))'

I guarantee he'll get into conclusions tomorrow, phew... ahh.. i have spoken to the blond girl yet. . . Oh.. now Amelia is leaving she'll never meet her.. godammit, maybe I'll text her first. . . I then hesitated hearing the sound of the door open, I guess, Crainer's home. I got out of my room, and he. . . Wasn't alone.

"Oh, hi Jordi,"


Huh, is this like Jordi first time in our house?

"Where were you guys?"

"Oh, uh.. Josh asked us to help packing. "

"Well, ok, Jordi, you can keep yourself comfortable."

"Oh, thanks, but it's ok, I'll be leaving soon,"

I watched as Crainer dropped himself completely on the couch. I walked over to him, thinking twice if i should ask or not

"What's wrong with you?"

"Just tired, and when I woke up this morning, i was hella hungover... auhh, I'm such an asshole. "

"Sure you are . . . I'll be out. "


"Because that stench is still rooming my mind."

"Exuses, exuses, you just to go to Josh's place..."

". . . Don't bring him up."

. . .

Sometimes i feel like walks aren't as helpful as usual, maybe I'll run into blong Girl again... if i do, i hope she gives me her name. It feels un polite calling her "blond girl". . . Maybe I'll go get something to eat? I am getting hungry thinking about it. . .


I flinched, recognizing that voice. My heart started thumping faster and faster, and I began losing my appetite. I was too scared to look back, but if I didn't, he'll come closer. . . I then looked behind me to see. . . . H- huh? He's not there. . . But I heard his voice. . . Calling my name. . . I'm just hearing things, I swear... I'm just hearing things. I continued my walk, trying to clear my mind until from a distance, I saw him facing away from me, both hands in his pockets.. as usaul, but something felt. . . weird. I kept glaring at him. . . Even though he was distant from me. . . I couldn't help but get closer. . . Huh- why am I even thinking about this... the whole time, I had been looking down, not realizing. He's in front of me, I look up again, once we lock eyes. . . Everything got blurry, this is like. . . I started worrying a lot because I knew I wasn't dreaming, I was outside... but he didn't look right. Something was definitely wrong about him.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now