Backstabbing Storytelling

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Whenever i walked home myself, i was always worried about my thoughts taking over me but I didn't worry much, I tried walking without putting any stress into it, it was hard because I was carrying heavy bags of groceries, that's when it struck me I was suddenly snatched out of the side walk with all the groceries spilling, the last thing i could look at were people casually walking not caring about a thing or two...THUD! SLAM! my blurry vision was slowly fading away, i couldn't see anything but just an orange bricked wall...where was i, when i snapped back to my scenes i lid up...


I looked back and fourth trying to figure out what happened...I looked back to see that i wasn't tied up or anything i was just sitting there looking unconscious, I tried getting up but it was hard...I was slowly getting a migraine..

"Ah shit...not now...ugh"

I rested my hand on my head and squeezed my eyes shut, i was trying to go through all the pain, but I started hearing something...something like footsteps, i moved back until i hit the wall, I could definitely see a dark figure approaching me,

"W-who..are you..?"

The figure had a black coat on with a black face mask and hat, I couldn't tell what gender they were, they bent down and stared at me, I was trying to keep a straight face as they were observing me, they then took of their hat and their mask, it was a female...a female with dirty blonde hair, she was very beautiful...but why would she kidnap me...I don't know her at all..I gulped and stayed confident until i was able to speak,



She shushed me, and stood up, was she going to leave...she can't leave I need to get out of here, i got up and grabbed her coat,

"Hey...could you atleast give me your name?"

She paused as i was letting go of her coat, I didn't know any dirty blonde girls in my life at all so i don't know why this one could kidnap me i just needed answers. She turned around slowly then suddenly wrapped her arms around me, I was utterly confused on what was going on, I pushed her back without hesitation, I really did not like it whenever random people hug me,

"please don't hug me, I don't know you"

She instantly made a disappointed face, and started shedding tears, what the hell...? What did i even do to upset her? I walked closer to her and apologized, she started clearing her tears, but I still wasn't sure about her, I mean she's keeping me hostage right now and she isnt going to speak up all i needed was an explaination for all this, when she dried her eyes she stared at me,

"I'm sorry...for kidnapping you...I just wanted to see you again and I didn't know any other way to because i had lost contact with you...Jelly"

S-she knows my name? But how? I'm sure I've never seen ot heard of her before I was so off about this...

"I-i'm sorry but i don't remember you, can I just have your name?"

She lid up again and she didn't look happy aswell...was she going to attack me or something...then before i knew it that's exactly what she did she gripped on to my shirt sobbing once again,


I pushed her away and she had collapsed on the ground, I moved back from her, what the actual hell is wrong with her? I used all my strength to open the exit door when i did i was released myself from this crazy blonde, i was ready to run away until...

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now