An Extra Thanks

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"Offical" Here. Can't find any good enough way to appreciate all the people who have supported me throughout "British Boy-Friend" The people who told me to take my time and gave me feedback about typos found in the book.
I shouldn't have to rely off you great people to tell me beforehand that there are typos. I'll find em sooner or later. Took a year, bout 2 now, to complete this joke book.

Low key all started in May 2022 as a little copy of another Jelloman fanfinction by skye_jaits

(I'm hella late to it all because of personal issues. But in the end, I vented it all out)

I wanted to drop it all somewhere between Jan to start a yt channel because i didn't have any hope in it, my yt is where I make animations of the first main 3. But I ended up picking it back up like 20 days later.

The plot wasn't adding up either, so it was pretty ez for me to decide on dropping it. Something I greatly regret to this day is the name I chose for this book... I would change it if I wanted to, but I've updated the front cover more than enough to change the whole title.

This'll prob be the only book I'll ever make. gimme a year, and I'll maybe change my mind.

The QnA thing left me on read. I just wanted more people to interact with TT. Thats alr though. If anyone still have a questions or anything (prolly not) I'll give it a chance.

With that being said. I greatly appreciate all the uneeded support in this book, and I could've done way better when it comes to writing fanfictions.

Aftermath of making this book were just events of randomness. The prom chapter was also a pretty obvious joke.

after chapt. 30 is when it gets a bit interesting. Also, making Josh a secret assassin was the first thing that came to mind after looking at a few hints of their yt videos, Josh's GTA skin convinced me.. a lot.

(Before making this book, I read a few bls to spar ideas and connect those to Jelly and Josh's progress relationship. Same with Ben and Ian)

"Either it'd be toxic or heartwarming, how about a little bit of both. >:)"

Dont gotta read this part but while looking for some inspo. I came across a lot of bls that grow into fame include a shit ton of sex scenes. I wouldn't say I'm innocent or nothing like that. I just don't know how to put that in words. So the most sex based thing I've made them do is love-marking, touching, and fingering. I suppose (;>;)

if I ever get fans. I might take their word, if they want me to make more of these mfs.

Manhua and stuff like that I can try making in the near future since I do art. But if so, I'll drop a lot of other responsibilities.

(I've dropped posing my art and edits on Insta alr because of this, and I probably won't pick it up again since they dont get much attention)

Heres an update of thier lives:

Josh was confirmed of getting brutally drugged last minute by staffs who were commanded. Amelia proved her point by evidencing his escape after eveybody was told later on that same day.. Jelly took his time and energy to make sure Josh could recover fast. Josh told him not to sweat but Jelly left him delivered. Making sure he can acknowledge how much he loves him. Jelly was finally convinced by Josh that he'd recovered ages ago, while Jelly was just glad of his power instigating.

Later on. Both of them planned a "private wedding" on their own. Even though nobody was there to vision it, not even their friends, not even their families. Not until Jelly got in touch with his mom, who wished well for them. They just needed eachother. A day after, Amelia recommended they should celebrate their honeymoon in the Bahamas with a pretty famous spot. They got there as quick as possible, enjoying every single second of it.. they enjoyed how there was no single destroyer of their relationship to ruin their moments together.

___ __


"Who's on the phone..?"

"Oh, just Crainer."

"..I noticed you change your way of speech when your talking to him?"

"Yeah.. cuz we foreigners, and we speak Dutch"

"..I dunno what you're talking about with him though. Irritates me."

"Pffttt!! It's really nothing that important. You're an english speaker Josh.."


"You wanna learn?"


"Ok.. I'll repeat a sentence in Dutch letter by letter, then you copy. How bout it?"

"..sure. you better not say something stupid."

"Awwh! You beat me to it.."


"Just copy what i say, ok?"










"Ik houd van Je."

".. ik how-ud van he-in..?"

"Yeah! you're pretty good."

"What's it mean?.."

"Mhp.. hahaha!!"

"Jelle.. what did I just say?.."

"Josh.. I love you."

"..I already know you love me. So mind telling now?"


". . . ?"

___ __ _

Gonna be it for now. Thanks for everything. I appreciate all of you and your support ('v`)

Ik houd van Je <3

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