(S2) Approach

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I woke up several minutes later, turns out i wasn't as sleepy as i sounded. I could feel the warmth of the hoodie.. did i sleep with all of em? I got up feeling a bit refreshed, even though the nap wasn't as long as a full nap. It was comfortable.. I checked my phone to see the time, it's only 3:17.. I don't remember when i slept.. but it's probably sometime between 2:20. I was still feeling tired but i wasn't sleepy. I've been dealing with that fantasy for the past month.. but now, it doesn't show up everytime I sleep.. like this nap i just woke up from. I didn't have a dream, it's like starting to go away. I wish I could punch myself for making such a fake sleep paralysis that look too much like Josh, nobody would find something like that normal. I wouldnt even advice my enemy to spend a night and deal with that bastard fantasy. All he does is annoy me and sometimes i get tired just talking about Josh every time.

It just proves how much i depend on Josh and since through now, it's just being this same conflict with me and him, it feels so damn pathetic. I stepped out my room, because i wasn't gettint comfortable in my bed while thinking about him. I should be feeling terribly cold.. but because if this hoodie, it feels like cold air has just blasted on my face on a hot day... I'm never taking this hoodie off. But why am I making such a fuss about it. After all that commotion an hour ago, the tree did end up being set up. It was actually fully decorated, with the ball ornaments and spark strings, in my unpopular opinion, it didn't turn out that bad.. compared to last year. Were just lucky to not have a ceiling fan. Last years tree only ended up not being a total disaster because Jo- uuh... mhh. . . . . last years tree wasn't that good. I'd say this one beats it a hundred percent.

... I might aswell just go take a shower and continue my day.. nothing else can go wrong today. I'll try and make nothing get in my way.

Maybe I should just go back inside and play some GTA. Good way to spend my time.

____ ___ _ ____

Josh's POV:


0430 PM

.. it feels like some storm is forming. Meaning the trip back is going to take longer, I'm to damn impatient for this shit for this. Maybe I should've just kept my damn mouth shut, glancing outside the window wasn't pretty but damp, I sighed in despair and looked over my shoulder. Amelia seemed to be awake.. how did I not realize, this is proof I'm to distracted and annoyed about the amount of time this is taking.

"When did you wake up?"

"When did you realize?"

". . ."

"Like 20 minutes ago"

"Wasn't that hard, was it"

"You're slowly going insane cuz of how long this drive is going"

"Oh wow, was it that obvious"

I looked over in front of me and wondered where we'd be stopping where we get back. But i believe they should have some headquarters in America as well. And I make it seem as soon as I step out of this limo, he'd be infront me and I'd be ready embrace him and try not to pull him into a long-lasting kiss like a lover would

' "Bring that your lover as well.. we should have a conversation on why she would pick you.." '

Shit. . . .

I'm just remembering that now.. I haven't even though about what I should do yet.. and on top of that- fuck.. I flung my head backwards making it hit the rig of my seat, i crossed my arms feeling defeated. How do i tell him about it..? I might aswell just dig my own damn grave.

"What's up?"

I flinched out of nowhere and answered Amelia with the usual answer. But she should've suspected by now, she shouldn't ask anything because it's best to just stay silent than alert. I wanna get this trip overwith but i hope going back will be worth it in the end. Because the only questions I've been asking myself are "what will be think?" Or "would he be ok with this?" And making up excuses. I wanted to forget my those words but since that was the first time i heard him speak about Jelly, it felt like something shooting me in the back of my head, it would cause me a terrible headache. As if I've totally failed him even more.. considering the kind of person and people I've being around my whole life.. he was an exception. . .I just wish i never fell inlove with him 8 years ago, even if I did. If I never did that to him, everything would've gone smoothly.. we would've started dating years ago if we wanted to. I burst my own bubble and tried to think about something else... that message Amelia sent out to Crainer, I told her to tell them not to tell Jelly about our arrival.. in a few hours from now. But what's shaken me from today is i didn't see what she texted. Amelia is intelligent but she uses that as an advantage, if she texted something that was the exact opposite of what I said. If she wanted to be funny, she would surely take it as an offer.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now