(S2) Questions with Discoveries

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Me and Josh tried to enjoy our time while being lectured by our so called "protective person" It's not the first time that Crainer had spit in my face, suddenly it's like back then when I'd get thrown a five sentence counter argument for things that only included me for 1% of the problem. Amelia and Crainer stood up and stopped thinking about it. We, on the other hand, were slowly trying not to make a bigger scene by holding in our laughs. I'd always make it so obvious, though, without realizing it. I caught his eye still giggling inside. Suprisenly, he was looking at me already, which made me burst out the smile of enjoyment. Though my eyes were shut completely, i felt his gazes poking me everywhere. It felt somewhat comforting. My eyelids opened up again with the smile still painted on my face. Josh couldn't even hold back by staring away, I caught his face turning just the slightest bit of red. Ahh.. I feel so refreshed knowing i could get a murderer to feel that kind of way. It honestly gives me some wanted confidence.

"Hey, we can see you both tryna make a scene there."

"Aren't you just glad we both came back in all pieces.."

"Yeah, that might be, but we all know you guys stole night away."

Those unnecessary words broke out the flush between the both of us.. I guess we did get a bit rowdy last night.... but it wasn't fully..

"Ah! Bingo bongo, I knew Josh couldn't do it."

"Shut your shit,"

Josh's voice had suddenly risen. That could even shake up the room if he wanted to.. Amelia pulled a sudden smile, and I kept and looked at sync. Was there something going on?

"Ya know what? Why don't we throw these guys a welcome back from separation party? "

All ? eyes in the room, including Jordi, were locked onto what Amelia said. Crainer's jaw had left a slight dent, and Josh just pinched his nose.

"Where did you get that from?"

"Ah.. we should really be celebrating Crainer's birthday.."
I only brought it up to change the conversation, and Crainer's suprised that made him look like a gawking eagle. He seemed happy I didn't forget it, though, maybe I've forgiven.

"Oh yeah! That, too. Ok then, we can just celebrate both."

Josh stood up. He definitely can't take it anymore, uh. In fact, he even pulled Amelia in for a conversation. I wish I could to Crainer too, but let me just leave him alone now because he might spare me for even bringing that up. I wonder, though, it seemed like Josh just pulled Amelia in aggressively, but it didn't seem to affect her in any way. . .
Josh's POV:

Wish i just brought out the duct tape when i had the chance, as if it's not the first time pull her in to a private conversation, I try not the be to harsh about it at least. I almost broke a thumb first and punished myself. That's how desperate i can be sometimes.

"It just had to be done, big bro!"

"Yeah, I'm glad you're proud. Listen-"

"You took the advice and blew it? Yeah, I know."

"I know, you know, but you didn't have to throw it out like that."

That advice, though.. it worked, i suppose. He did come back to me and even pushed me down, I've never felt so soft and weak over that. It was only such a sudden event. . .

Chapt. 24: Paralysis the Disease
".. well, there are consequences to your actions, but honestly, I don't know what you did this time. But for all I know. Jelly is the most forgiving person I've ever met. . ."

Maybe those words do mean something more. Advice works, but when it's from someone who you've known all your life, it's hardly worth thinking about it. I'm surprised I can even remember it.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now