Loved By Him

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A few days had passed and I started to get a bit concerned, something was wrong...Josh started going out often and he said that me and Crainer couldn't come with him, So one day when he was about to leave I quickly grabbed his hands and pulled him back,

"do you need something, Jelly?"

He said with a confused face, I moved right in front of him with a pushy face,

"why do you keep leaving?"

I tried not to sound jealous or anything but all he did was let out a smile, walk closer to me hug me and then kiss me right on the forehead,

"sorry Jelly, I've just being busy lately and I've being needing to go out without you guys sometimes"

He sounded innocent, but I feel like he's doing something behind my back.

"Can I atleast come with you this time...please"

I knew I sounded all cute saying that so I guaranteed he would let me come with him, but he refused he let go of the hug, and left out the door. I was honestly shocked, Crainer came out of his room, with a tired looking expression,

"what's up?"

I turned around and asked Crainer if he suspected Josh in any way because he's being acting weird a lot,

"Yea, your actually right...why does he keep leaving?"

"How am i supposed to know"

I responded. He just rolled his eyes, and left saying,

"maybe he's just busy or whatever"

I could tell Crainer didn't care, but i did so what i did was I grabbed Josh's hoodie he gave to me and ran after him. When I got outside I saw him walking over to the park, I went into the park and hid there.

He was sitting at a bench, he looked like he was waiting for someone, then this girl came out of no where and started talking to Josh, she looked familiar but i could find out who it was, I think I could hear them talking a little bit,

"Hey, Joshua"

the girl said out loud, Josh said Hi back, the girl sat right next to Josh and started to get a bit too close to him, the way she was getting all close to him made be worry a bit, they started to chatter a bit. After a few minutes they both got up, I almost about to fall asleep, but i had to wake up and see what was happening, the girl went in front of Josh and she spread her hands out like she needed...a hug, Josh hugged her and then... they.. kissed, I felt like my heart just got run over, I got out of the bush very quietly without them noticing. Josh then pushed her away,

"Hey, what the actual hell is wrong with you?!"

"y-you didn't like that..?"

That girl looked was Alyssa..from the store.

"You can't just randomly kiss me! I don't like you, i like someone else!"

Josh had his hands in his pocket and snapped at her, I mean he is very sensitive, he was about to leave, but I was able to let out his name from behind the tree,


He saw me right there coming out behind the big tree, Alyssa saw me right there behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

It was extremely silent and nobody made a soun, Josh's shoked face stood frozen as I was staring with flustered eyes, Josh tried walking over hoping I would let him explain but I just started slowly backing up then running, i led myself out of the park until i was at the sidewalks, my face felt smooshed as I was letting out tears a but later, I slowed down he was able to grab me and embraced me into his arms...he held my chin up so he could dry my wet eyes,

"'s wasn't what it looked like.."

He said with a depressing voice, even though i saw everything I should believe him but I did also see him grab her waiste, i couldn't talk at all my throat was burning and dry.

"Jelly, please let me explain-"

I cut him off and pulled away from the hug, I tried to stop my sadness so i could talk,
"It's alright...I understand, i was just used...just like last time..."

I responded with my back turned and my head down

" Jelly..listen.."

He pulled me in again, I rested my shivering hands on his chest, I stared down, he rested his eyes, smiled and lifted up my chin, and unexpectedly kissed me, i couldn't feel nothing but te soft touches lf his bottom lip,

"I've always loved you, no matter what I'll never stop loving you..."

His words...I got closer to him, and rested my eyes

"I-I" stupid stuttering keeps taking over me, i rested my head on his shoulder embarrassed with a sigh,


"Sorry i keep stuttering..."

"I understand if it's hard to talk, all i want you to know is that i love you..."

I lifted my head up with a smile while holding his hands, we were then making our way home, but I was still disappointed in myself for not trusting him at first, it was still raining heavily we made it home soaked and wet when we got inside it was all dark the lights werr turned off and it looks like Crainer had fallen asleep,

Me and Josh both changed out if our soaking clothes and stayed extra hours late at night we were drinking hot chocolate and watching a movie on Netflix, a bit over 30 minutes into the movie and it was already 1:30AM, I started to feel tired, i led my head on Josh's shoulder, then I could feel him pulling me closer, it felt weird though and i couldn't explain, my droopy tired eyes could hold on anymore i fell asleep on him unnoticeable,

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now