The Real Reason

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While we got that sorted, Josh and i started walking, I was shivering all over.. even though he wasn't that close to me, I really sound clingy.. even thought i didn't have everything planned luckily where Josh leaves has almost every place people would hangout at, a cinema, an arcade, everything, how lucky am i. I kept glancing at Josh to his hands as we were simply just walking.

"Hey, Josh"

". . . "


"Mmh..? yea?"

He's not even trying to hide the fact that he's ignoring me, I'm not sure why.. but I felt a sharp pinch in my chest.

"Do you want to go to the cinema first..?"


He answered casually.. again, he didn't sound so interested in it though, so i didn't try and rub it all over his face.


. . . .

Whe entering the cinema it wasn't as crouded as I thought it would be and there weren't any new movies out.. so i guess i just looked around to see which love would fit Josh's attire.. there were action and violent movies out but i don't Josh is interested in that... it's either those ones or a... romance mov- ya know what forget it...I fwiped my head around to see Josh looking a little... lost he was just looking at one singular place, it looked like he was in a trance..

"what type of movies are you interested in?"

"I think it'd be appropriate for you to pick the movie, whatever it is, I won't judge.."

What the- he didn't sound casual at all anymore... in fact he sounded very.. professional, his accent really fits in too... it was a sudden change but i shouldn't think if it in a bad way. I eventually picked an action movie, but while i was i kept looking over at the cover of the romance movie that was also on.. the poster was of a man gently stroking the womans hair, while his other hand was holding her waist... it looked like a simple couples picture but i couldn't imagine...if.. ..if Josh could hold me like that.. I really shouldn't be thinking about this.. right now, I just have to remeber the real reason i planned this.. it's like it's haunting me..


I hesitated after feeling his hand touch me again, but that didn't really matter much.. the inside of me felt like it was about to burn, i almost couldn't move.. why do i feel like this, this is so fucking pathetic of me..

"S- sorry.. let's go now.."

I simply ignored the ashy feeling inside me and entered the room, after sitting down the feeling started decaying which was a relief.. the room was how i predicted it.. it wasn't crouded at all, it felt like only 20 people were in here. was it like this movie had a bad review, we were sitting in the 2nd to last row and it didn't feel that bad... until.. uhh- i realized that we didn't even have anything to eat.. I looked over at Josh's face, luckily he hadn't realized that we didn't get any food.. maybe I'll take him to a restaurant after this... Now that i think about it...I'll never imagine a time when Josh would ask me out... I guess we'll just stay until this movies over.

It's being 30 minutes.. and this movie is really.... well.. boring but more un-original, it sorta just copied the same heist from a better rated movie, I didn't realize it was a bad movie.. gosh... why.. oh right.. i have to wait for Josh because he went to the bathroom, even though movie wasn't done yet, I think it's time to leave here. . . . He's taking a long time in there.. should i. . .? I should. I strolled down the hall way to where the bathrooms were and i just peeked my head and saw.. he was just standing there, was he looking at himself in the mirror? It also looked like he drenched himself with water... maybe it's cuz the movie was boring? I kept watching him stood in that same spot infront of the sink.. he sighed and lowerd his head.. somethings not right... GAH.. is he hungry!? That could be the case.. bug I hit myself in the head not to over exaggerate, I built up my confidence and began to stride into the bathroom..

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now