A Jealous Joshua

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I could feel Josh's soft hands carrying me to the bedroom and simply let me down on the bed slowly, I could then feel his gentle lips touching the top of my head, it just felt...right, he felt right. All day i wanted to hope we finally had that random girl from the store out of our lives but something else that was wandering around my head is I was still to scared to ask Josh if we were officially a thing I thought he would have confessed his feelings to me, or I would have to confess first...but I guess we still have to wait, all was good were that was going Crainer came into the room with a sorta sad face me and Josh were just sitting on the couch watching TV then started staring at him waiting for one of us to ask him what was wrong, I stepped up and asked

"What's wrong Crainer?"

Crainer looked from his phone to us, I was thinking it was probably unimportant

"Jelly I know you haven't heard from him in a long time but...do you remember Jordi?"

Oh, yea Jordi, if nobody knows Jordi, Jordi left years ago because he started getting depression and he was having a dream of making a big company, I wonder if he's doing OK now..

"well guys he just posted that his dad had died a few days ago..."

man...I started to feel bad for Jordi he's having a tough life right now, I got up and said

"thats terrible, did he post anything about having a big company or being successful?"

Crainer shook is head no, but he did say that he was here In NY, that we can even meet up with him. I quickly got up excited because I really wanted to meet him again.

"Yea, Crainer were you able to get contact with him?"

"Actually yea, I sent him a DM on insta and we talked for a bit, so I asked if we could come meet him at a café down the street"

I got up excitedly and went to grabbed Josh's hands and got him up, I told them that we should go meet him with Jordi, Josh didn't like how excited i was for some reason.

"Who is the Jordi guy anyways, how come you've never told me about him Jelly?"

"Josh, he was my first ever bestfriend, but he started having a tough life and he had to leave because of depression, and i feel bad for him loosing is dad, so i think it's better to go and meet him and by the way...I really missed him"

When we were ready we got out of the apartment, going to a café,

"Crainer where is he going to be?"

i quickly said in a bit of excitement.

"He's gonna be at the coffee café"

Josh hasn't said anything the whole time and I didn't care because i was excited to see Jordi, when we got there, we waited a few extra minutes to wait for Jordi, when I saw Jordi coming over I ran to him and hugged him and he hugged me back, Crainer and Josh got up and just stood there while i was hugging Jordi, we walked over to them and they were gonna introduce themselves,

"Hey, I'm Jordi, what's your names?"

He said holding out his hand. Crainer seemed to like him but Josh looked away and didn't look at Jordi with his hands in his pocket.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now