SIDE Chapt. 5 - Matched

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Since it's the first time for me to get into such a metal like type of relationship. I've now discovered some sort of protective-ty. A word away from my vocabulary. Behind why i feel this way is because of something... and someone it shouldn't be about.

I was just unable to get over it, even after i got pampered because i kept thinking of the amount of negativity it could've brought towards us. Even if I want to see what the reason for this kind of game they play. A year ago, the atmosphere between those 2 was so jumbled. As if they would've been the best of friends if the other hadn't caught feelings..

At all the previous glances, I've gotten of Josh nowadays.. are making me feel so unsure if there's something up. Once i try approaching him, instead of pulling me into embraced arms, he does the opposite with his hands and body. Sometimes, he shivers a bit because he's surprised.. that I'm there. There is something definitely up, I can't doubt it anymore. At first, i didn't want to jump into conclusions immediately like always, so I backed out on my observation on Josh's body movements, thinking they really don't mean anything on our relationship.. but now I wanna sum it all up.

1 7 20XX
4:20 PM

It's a pretty chilly afternoon, and im currently eyeing Josh intensely. What i see right now is his back turned, sitting on the couch. His head tilted down, and definitely staring at something. This is the time when i think I'm sorta adapting to Josh's behavior. He'd probably pick me up if i have the same mindset as him right now..

His eyes are glued to something that's wrapped around his fingers and palm. This means I've been right this whole time. There is something that he's hiding from me. If he hasn't told me up to now, is.. it not for me?.. but for somebody else?..

The thought of it made my heart ache. So, i promised myself I would die on the inside if i didn't approach him and point out how obvious it is when he hides something from me. And so i did. In he nick of time, I was in front of him, I broke my gaze to him when he hadn't even realized I'm at his feet. Once his body finally realized i was right there. eyes were able to get a possible look at the item that's attracted him more than his favorite mug. He sighed, realizing that I've definitely caught him on the act of ignoring me.

"..what are you hiding from me..?"

". . ."

"We said we wouldn't hide things from each other.. Is it.. something I'm not allowed to see?"

" That's not it.."

To try and change my face posture. He slid his hands on my waist and told me to rest on his lap. That didn't do anything because.. it's just evidence that he is hiding something from me. Whatever it is.. did a good job at getting Josh's full attention.

"Don't misunderstand. I was going to tell you about it later.."

"Can't.. you tell me now..?"

That moment broke when a notification noise made me flinch. Once, i glanced at the screen. I saw that somebody texted him. It was somehow clear enough for me to see the name of the person. At first, i thought maybe my eyes were playing me, but at a second glance, the phone was gone to how fast Josh had to answer his phone in his left hand

"Who is it..?"

"Just.. Alyssa."

... Even when i should've normalized that name. I still quivered when i heard her name in his mouth. It quickly reminded me of another thought that's been coming to mind so many times. The last time I saw them interact was when I caught them having a conversation in public.. and now they have eachothers contacts..

Chapt. 22: Contact
"That's great. . Uhm. . . I recently got In touch with Josh"

Well.. i guess i was told a while ago.. but. This exact thought again.. that is it possible Alyssa and Josh are seeing each other...?

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