(S2) Lovers Quarrel

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I was bearing myself in his arms again, this time i made the move. Couldn't i give myself a more expensive approach..? In more expensive approach i really meant he wouñd be the one to get up and embrace me, but my foolish body didn't even give him the second to get up. I should get a hold of myself, I should have done this after we've resolved both issues, the dreams and our relationship development... I pushed myself out of his arms and got up from the bed. He proves to be more angrier since i had just hugged him, but he was the one to ask didn't he? He just asked if he could hold me, not hug me. I'm about to burst into tears.

"I'm sorry. I need some space."

I left saying that, and expected him to grab me or follow me, or even try and stop me. Like he'd usually do. Now that this has gotten into our way. Embracing him was so fucking unnecessary.. so why the fuck did I do it..? Dammit. Every. Single. Time... footsteps are getting louder all of a sudden.

"Jelly, let me in"

Ahh.. so no more "are you ok?" Finally he's gotten sensible. I didn't answer because my eyes were still red and watering. Even if that was the case, I'd still be scared of the door knob and the person behind it.. so now.. I'm scared of him? Nah.. I pushed around until the sound of the door knock died down a bit, and the footsteps were fading away. Then was when I had the courage to open the door, and after everything he's done for me until now shouldn't go to waste just because of my lack of thoughts. From a distance, his eyes shifted to me, but he'd probably only see me as some shadow in this darkness. Forget the talk, after today those dreams will go away.

"Are you ok now?"

"Yes, I'm fine"

I'm lucky that came out thoroughly, i began to shift over to the end of the bed were i stayed at, without interacting with him in any way. That would be such a time consumer. The bed felt different though, with Josh still sitting at the very end of my bed, I could smell his cologne from here. In this sort of situation, he'd be showering me with tons of questions.


. . . O-k? I laid were i was, not making a single word or move, but in my head i was bursting with anger.. is this what it feels like to talk with a dry texter in reality? I hate it. Just dropping an "ok" after i mourned for you.. this guy's asking for more enemies. After a few minutes.. I did end up sleeping then randomly waking up. It's already almost morning.. and I'm pretty sure Josh only booked it for a day, we should be gone by tomorrow morning. So this beneficial torture will end.

. . . 0530 AM

I'm lingering over this hotel bed. Is it because it's so comfortable or i just don't want to get up? It's usually both. My hair feels greasy and my eyes are bulging, i feel like i really haven't gotten enough rest but suprisenly... Josh isn't in sight. I dunno were he went. This is probably to early for breakfast, I might aswell get myself more comfortable and keep my thoughts miles away from Josh. Thinking about Josh in the morning sounds like a collision could make its way through. I shivered to the sound of a clack of the door opening. I was faced the other way to ignore his face, while i did i kept asking myself what's the point of hiding away? I whipped the pillow of me because those steps were getting closer.

"What's up.."

"I just got breakfast.. and I was trying to wake you up"

Breakfast.. in this hour?

"Ah... thanks"

He nudged himself next to me and probably just placed the breakfast on the glass table near me, he should just quit the act of being some butler or gentleman. I should also tell him I'm not a big fan of hotel food, but suprisenly when i smell this dish a little bit closer, it seemed so luxurious to me. As if... the eggs were well cooked and seasoned and the pancakes were buttery and fluffy, or is it just my morning eyes seeing the difference of this hotel food to Crainer's cooking? I even wonder if they are perfectly aligned the same...

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now