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A few years passsed, Crainer, I and Josh, were getting older, Crainer and Josh finally got along...well maybe not finally but they aren't arguing all the time and now we started to live together in NYC,

"Welp, this was what I could get us guys"

"Really? A shitty apartment? aren't your parents rich or something, surely you can get us something better than this"

"Are my parents here Josh, huh? You really think just because my parents own a big window factory you thin-"

"Aight, you have the right to shut up your just bragging that you have rich parents that hardly even spend time with you or even talk to you"


"GUYS!! Can you guys not argue, we haven't even stepped into the apartment yet and your already screamingat eachother"


"You have to just get used to it Jelly"

"This is your fault we are giving Jelly a hard time, like you always have to say something that ruins the silence around here"

"why you lit-"

gosh, i already knew I'm not even able to live one day with these guys not arguing about random things. We went out for dinner to rest and had a really good time at NY it was great, we met lots of nice people, went on walks and had lots of nice food. we had a lot of fun, until we all came home drunk especially Crainer, I don't even know what he's on. Crainer slept alone in the other bedroom while i had to sleep with Josh because this was a 2 bedroom apartment.

I woke up to the sound of Crainers annoying screaming, he's worse than an actual alarm clock no doubt,

"Short man, get up"

I was so tired I don't even know how it was was easy for them to get up, I mean we were drunk last night wearn't we, i let out No and he left with his hands crossed i don't know why he just gives up so easily, maybe he was just trying to be funny, i woke up a whole hour later, I had such blurry vision so i layed on top of Josh still yawing and falling asleep on him again.

"Jelly c'mon get up you missed breakfast now your foods cold."

"No...I'm tired, by the way...wheres Crainer?


"Are you still drunk?"

"Yea? Why?"

"I got breakfast losers!!!"

"Good, I'm starving, wait why does Crainer always have to cook?"

"Cuz I'm the shut up and eat"

I got up from Josh's lap to go to the dining table to get some waffles and fruits, and behind me there was about to be another breaking down.

"Crainer do you even know how to cook?"

"Yes I know how to cook why?"

"Cuz the only thing you know how to cook is waffles uh?"


"Sorry, but the last time i checked waffles are one of the easiest breakfasts to make along with pancakes"

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now