Forgiving An Enemy

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The next day was saturday so i didn't even need to think about not going to school but to what happened yesterday i never wanted to go to school...I would if i was gone for to long and the school would want to remove me... , in the afternoon Crainer came over again with someone

"Jelle, Crainer's here with a special guest"

I really didn't want to but I had no choice to come down from the stairs so nobody comes knocking on my door, Crainer was down there with someone else...who was- was it- i hoped not. I wasn't even down the stairs yet and i didn't see the guy Crainer was withs face, when I fully down the stairs, Crainer greeted me politely, i smiled at him but something that bordered me so so was that Crainer was here with...Josh...he looked sorry

"Crainer...why is he here."
"Jelly I know with the unexpected fight that broke down yesterday you wouldn't want to forgive him but trust me he's sorry for what he did..."

"He's sorry huh...well if he was he should uave said that a long time ago..."

Crainer could tell how mad I was at Josh but he tried so hard to convince me so Josh can apologize, it took a bit longer for them to finally convince me so then i just let him apologize,

"Ok!...fine, say what you wanna say Josh"

Crainer stared at Josh and told him to make the move, Josh stepped closer to me, I had a angry face on and my arms were crossed with my back turned. Crainer was watching from the back hoping that I would forgive him so we could all just settle this.

Josh then took my hands and stared at me, I still looked away disappointed, but the way he looked sorry for me made me want to forgive him...

"Jelly, i'm sorry for...everything I guess I was a bit horny because you were so cute and I couldn't resist you, you were really soft i didn-"

Crainer respectfully cut his whole response, me and Josh both stared at Crainer in a kind of annoyed way,

"Dude you don't gotta get into the details and sorta doesn't make sense"

"Shut the fuck up man, I'm trying to apologize to him with whatever i can think of, so can i do what i should do or should I decide to drop kick your ass"

Josh cameback while rolling his eyes at him. Crainer made a shocked face, his face made me giggle a bit,

"your very cute"

I've never heard him compliment me before...I started blushing again then let out a small embarrassed smile, I for some reason wish all of this was going on outside and without Crainer,

"i-i guess i could forgive you..."

He then hugged me, then i smiled and hugged him back his hugs were really something else.

"This is gay"

Crainer said out of no where it was like he was randomly making excuses, sometimes I wish Crainer just wasn't there for me ALL the time.

On Sunday, i was walking with Josh because he started to respect me and i started to trust him again, it was a bit a cold out because it was getting dark, I started shivering so I thought it would be a good idea to get closer to Josh and he kept me warm a bit, he saw me shaking and cold so he gave me his hoodie, sometimes he could be so sweet...he made completely forget about what happened on Friday, me and him sat down at a bench, apart from eachother though.. I've being wandering at him all the time we were there...then Josh looked at me and I looked back.

"Hey...Josh, I.. the time we were in the locker room..."

I could hardly speak of that time, I hope he hasn't forgotten about what happened at the locker room

"Uh- yea..what about it?"

We stared at eachother for a quick second and then he looked away, he started staring at the dark sky, covered with little shining lights, his rested dark-forest green eyes, looked down at me, I looked away again really making this an awkward moment for the both of us...he then did something unexpected. He got up and grabbed my hand and got me up too..

"Josh- W-what are you-"

Before i could even open my mouth he gently made our lips touch, his lips...were even softer than the last time we kissed. It started started rain, and the lamps outside started to twitch, the raindrops started getting heavy and stroking down my messy hair me and Josh, we then split a minute

"Jelly I don't know I'm going to say this, and I know all the drama and conflicts I've gotten you in but...i love you...very much...I want you to be mine...and you are mine"

His words almost made me want to cry...his words made tears stroke down my cheek then he broke the hug after a split minute and we stared back at eachother then he opened his mouth to ask,

"Jelly...can I..touch you?"

I slowly nodded my head, he grabbed me, we kissed again, i can't exactly explain it but I liked how he just grabbed me first then kiss me, he made his way to my skin and started to gently touch me, i then remembered that this was what we exactly did at school, he didn't forget, I guessed he must have missed how we did it to be honest...I did too, a little moan slipped out and it must have turned him on because, his breathe was going through me he started huffing and puffing, he gently whispered to me

"I hope this is turning you on, Jelle~..."

"J-Josh...why outside? Inside the locker room was already embarrassing enough..."

"Why not, this park is usually abandoned at night, it's jut right"

I gave him a hug and he hugged back, it was still raining out me and Josh were happy walking back home, because it was almost 1AM, and mom is probably worried right now. His hoodie that he made me wear was really comfortable so I asked,



"Is it..ok if I could keep your hoodie just for tonight?"

"If you first admit that this was our first date"

Josh winked at me and blew a little kiss, sometimes he can act so flirty, but I can't blame him this really did feel like a date.

"Ok, Mr. Flirty this was a date"


I let out a little giggle and he said with out any hesitation that I can keep his hoodie, he already had like 5 of the same hoodies anyways, I layed my head on his shoulder and held his hands happily, this was probably the nicest date I've ever being on, but i just wanted to know If me and Josh...were officially a thing..I hope so

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now