Party Or Prom?

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All I've done all day was stay in my room thinking about Josh and how much as being happening in my life when he came out of no where and joined it, atleast Crainer hasn't betrayed me yet...well that's what i think, it being a few months or years...and Josh hasn't even thought about texting me or anything but he hasn't blocked me yet maybe he misses me or he just forget about me, I doubt that tho. When I just wanted to think a second later Crainer barched into my room excited as fuck like he finally got 10M subscribers on his YouTube channel which will never happen by the way, i was sitting there with my blanket covering half my whole body just confused on what he was on about.

"Jelly!! Look we finally got mail and is important"

I was very un-interested on what he was on about infact i though the mail probably wasn't even for us, I just wanted to go back back sleep.

"JELLY!! It's an invention to a party with a whole bunch of popular youtubers"

I got up for a min making Crainer think i was interested,


I said quietly. Crainer's smile almost faded,

"So??! What do you mean so, we were invented to a party filled with popular youtubers, aren't you excited? WE MIGHT MEET MR. BEAST!"

I sighed and told Crainer that i wasn't interested that he can go alone, i layed my head on my pillow about to fall back asleep but he got me up and told me to go dress up,

"ugh...Crainer! I just wanna stay home..."

"Gosh, ever since Josh left you've being acting very emo, you only come out of your room tl use the bathroom or get food"

"Please...don't mention Josh...but in all seriousness can i just stay home..please"

"What if you got kidnapped though, now me personally wouldn't tolerate that kind of thing happening to you, and if you do get kidnapped then I'll have to sue the police if they don't find you or...i'll just find you myself..."

I have never heard anything more stupider than the words Crainer just spit out of his mouth, I rolled my eyes and let my head down and Crainer grinned and told me to just go and dress and he ran back to his room to dress. I felt like this party was fake also and kind of weird because me and Crainer hardly get mail. I had no other chance but to go dress anyways. When me and Crainer were done dressing we got in his car and he started blabbing about how youtubers will see him, and i was forced to listen to it all, it took us an hour and a half of Crainer's blabbing we to a big building that looked like an old but decorated looking high school, I immediately regretted allowing Crainer to force me tl come to a party that was tooken place at a school.

"Crainer what is this place?"

"Uhh..this is where the party takes place duh"

"Who the hell decided it would be a good idea to throw a party with a bunch of youtubers at a school"

"I don't know...Pewdiepie i guess"

I slapped my hand on my face and Crainer just kept shut after that,

"Lets just go inside!"

I follwed him to the entrance, the inside was really big with giant purple lights and a stage with a singing band on it,

"see, isn't it nice finally being somewhere...public"

Crainer asked with his hands on his waist, I stared at him and he stared back.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now