I Miss How You Do It...

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A day later I was sitting with my head filled with moments with Josh, Yesterday must have being one of the best days because i was able to see his face again, i then heard my phone vibrating under my pillow it was a notification from him. I picked up my phone and saw that he had given me his address to his new apartment, my eyes lid up in excitement, I picked up my hoodie and ran out of the door until someone behind me grabbed my hand, it was Crainer i turned around and he let go of me,

"So, where are you going? You can't leave the house without my permission yknow"

I suddenly let out a small frown because i have to actually ask him first so I could leave OUR house.

"Crainer I'm just going somewhere ok?"

"Ok tell me where you're going then you can go, that easy"

"Crainer look, Josh gave me his address to his new apartment and i just want to go and meet him can I please go"

Crainer then let out a small smile, scratched his head and then thought about what he was gonna say,

"Oh ok, if you want to see Josh then of course you can go meet him, i mean you really missed him, like really"

I happily smiled at him and waved bye to him, luckily for me i made it to the bus stop just in time, as soon as i got in i started thinking if he was even expecting me but i didn't think about that much. When i got down it took me a few minutes to find his apartment, i knocked on his door and he opened the door totally shoked to see me here, as soon as i saw his face i started bursting into tears and I pounced on him, giving him a hug he was still in shock that i was here without him knowing,

"Jelly...what are you doing here...?"

I got of him apologizing because i should've first atleast texted him if i wanted to come, he got up and locked the door,

"Sorry again for coming without you knowing..."

"It's honestly ok i don't mind"

I looked up at him and smiled, I was so happy to see him that it was kinda hard to hold in all my excitement. He then grabbed my hand,

"C,mon let's go"

I follwed him to a very big and expensive looking room with a nice Tv and a good view, it looked like he was rich all of a sudden because this place looked nothing like the apartment back at home,

"Sorry, i could've cooked something for you"

"It's ok, I should've told you that I wanted to come see you"

He smiled at me and I smiled back, he then came to sit next to me, we didn't make any eye contact or anything we just sat there, being quiet probably waiting for one of us to say something, Josh then turned to me,

"Have you and Crainer being doing ok, I hope he isn't to annoying"


It was some what hard for me to talk infront of him, I sounded very sick whenever I stutter and I hate it people always asked if I was not feeling well and it just annoys me very much most of the time.

"Are you ok? you're stuttering"

"That.. doesn't mean anything though"

"But.. in this case, you stuttering makes me think.. you're nervous when you're around me.. am I right?"

"..Huh!?.. no that's-"

For some reason it felt like burning ashes were going through my veins, i didn't know if i should react right now or wait...

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now