Planned Confession

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That..didn't just happen. We all sat there, Josh kept his serious face on while i was still feeling dazed and was using my hoodie to cover up, while Amelia sat there with a satcastic grin, her arms were still crossed as she was sitting there looking at the both of us.

"Maybe i shouldn't ask any questions right now...but what were you guys just doing..mmh?

"Where the fuck did you even come from?"

Josh responded proudly but i could just tell by his voice he wasn't happy at all, Amelia raised snd eyebrow with he smile slowly turning into a frown.

"Oh, i came from the sky...I came from the door that was still open"

Josh leaned back to the couch sighing and i widened my eyes in embarrassment, i think when i came in Josh forgot to lock the door

"I mean if ya'll wanted to fuck why wouldn't you lock the door"

I flustered as she said those words, I squintedy eyes at Josh who looked really annoyed

"...That's not what were doing..."

"Ya sure?, cuz i def so Josh fumbling around with something"

Josh sighed and I felt like I was in a cooking pot, that's when I remembered that I didn't have my pants on even though i still have my boxers on, i would still be way to embarrassed, Josh must've just thrown them over the couch but i wasn't fully sure. . . him and Amelia were still arguing, but I didn't have any other choice...i pulled on Josh's arm trying to get his attention he noticed and quickly looked at me Amelia looked too curiously...

"Josh. . . Where are my pants...?"

I wanted to kill myself at tht moment...WHAT KIND OF QUESTION WAS THAT..!?...The whole room went silent, we were all just looking at eachother, but Amelia was already crying...Josh froze for a minute then got up and rushed behind the couch to pick up my pants he picked me up aswell and took me to the bathroom as we were walking, Amelia was already laughing her soul out. After that incident... me and Josh just promised we would do it in his room from now on...I was on my way out of their house after that happend still feeling flustered inside, while walking I realized that there might be a bit of progress, between me and Josh maybe soon..we'll actually become a thing, we could go on more dates and I could hold his hands more..and- I hit myself in the head cuz i was getting to comfortable thinking about that, but something bothered me, it's the way i confessed I'm pretty sure he couldn't even hear me over my crazy stuttering. The way i said it is still giving me second hand embarrassment, even thought Josh did reacte to it it didn't feel..real, gosh if only i got someone could give me ideas but I'm not sure who can. Once i made it home i took off my coat and realized that..I left my hoodie at Josh's place, I could've sworn i was using it to cover up but i might have left it in Josh's bathroom, shit. I was thinking of just running back to Josh's place but i had already step foot into the apartment, what was the point and by the way it was already 12 at night. I'll just get it when i feel like it to make the case worse I don't think Josh would give back that hoodie because that was his favorite hoodie aswell he just gave it to me for me to cherish, oh well my loss I guess...i wish i could confess again. I wish my wishes could come true...

. . . . . . will he be back...I miss him already, it's already so late, where are you Joshy...? I just waited and waited for hours doing dumb stuff around the house until he comes back...argh..I'm so bored, i then heard a click from the door, I ran out my room to see him, but he looked tired.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, I'm so glad he's back I just hate that he has to start working overtime, he always has to come back so late.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now