(S3) Unbelievable

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Offically, season three is confirmed. S3 might include a bit of violence! Right now, the main 2 have fully resolved their relationship a few days later. They went back the normal way after making the past, distrupt them from moving. Our top, Josh, takes whatever he can to protect his love from what he's conquered (the reason there's violence) . A relationship will also be rediscovered after years of separation.

Character development: main 6

Jelly (Jelle Van Vutch)
18-26 Yrs, 1996 [mistaken]

"His unalarmed memory loss is still little by little clearing up. He can hardly remember 9 years ago. Being caught up by the others and is still astonished on how Sanna was someone who fully knew him. Now, trying to long last his relationship with the assassin even after all their conflicts that had drawn them further apart."

Josh T.
17-26 Yrs, 1997

"Eveything is still undiscovered by his past. All those years ago, he's wished to vision his actions the first day he laid his mild eyes at Jelle which are the only times his eyes began to sparkle with joy, as if he seen the sun rays shine through him. Not like any other person he's dated. That locker room wasn't the correct move."

Crainer (Benjamin V.)
19-28 Yrs, 1995

"Face of season 3. He reunites with the person he wishes for his admirer after such a painful confession that he had been a useless effect toward what they had now. Furthermore, it was much more difficult to overcome the end of their relationship already. He's tried overcoming his mind by finding another partner. It wasn't tempting or easy trying to overcome those feelings."

Jordi B.
28 Yrs, 1995

"Introduced later into the drama. Right now, he's shown as everyones cheat code, using his ideas to reduce conflicts. Those actions of his are only shown later on because of his thoughts and lack of timing. When he was still the closest friend to Jelle, he wanted to exuse himself from Jelle's life. Guiltily had been poured after he found out his friend had gotten feelings and had left without a full discussion. Currently, wanting to see Jelle raise his face, "

Amelia T.
25 Yrs, 1998

"What's done, has been done, Amelia makes the most of what she's good for. After being introduced later from her flight, she was more excited to see her older brother than America. After their separation, their fights died down drastically. Most of Jelly and Josh's progress would be dedicated to her."

Sanna V.
25 Yrs, 1998

"Finally introduced and is the culprit of (Blonde girl). Sanna has built up the main 2 of the plot. Of course, now provided the fact that she and Jelle were together by Jordi, who had proof with old photos of their old couple. Now, it's much more believable and shocking. Her act as a kidnapper must have been a fake, unfortunate experience, but she's fulfilled teaming with Josh to cheat his way into winning Jelly's trust."

Later Introduced:

Ian S.
35 Yrs, 1987

Alyssa T.
25 Yrs, 1998

Enjoy S3, sweetlings!


This had no trace of me left in it, but i feel like I should be tucked into jail right now. There's no way I'd find Crainer looking do down of such.. dammit, this is definitely my fault for bringing it up. I really didn't expect it to be so similar to my whole situation as well. Now, the poor guy can't stop thinking about that guy. His name was.. Ian, wasn't it? So the whole reason why he's been chasing after girls for such a long time is because he's trying to get rid of his feelings for this Ian guy. That's rough, and all this time, I haven't even realized. Shit, what type of friend am i if i can't be there for a fellow who's being tossed around in the same position. I mean, he's also a part of my journey and supported me a lot. Now I feel like.. if I find this Ian guy, how would Crainer feel, well after hearing what he's being through, probably, relieved. I sure hope so, at least.

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