Why Did I Trust You

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Right now i didn't know if I should confront Josh or just break down, but breaking down is just an act if uselessness..shit..what do i do I should probably just go to Crainers apartment since im to scared to talk to Josh, I made it home with the light's off it looked liked nobody was home, I was exhausted and tired and sat down, I felt dizzy a bit until I hear a creek coming from behind me I looked back with hesitation to see no one there,

"I'm right here silly"

I hesitated next to me and I found Josh comfortably sitting right next to me, I flinched hard and almost fell of the couch,

"Don't scare me like that..."

Realizing that i was next to Josh made me remembe that story, i sat down straight as he was smiling at me, I feel like I shouldn't get fooled by his face, he isn't as innocent as he looks...I got up and tried walking away but he grabbed my wrist and suddenly pushed me till i was sitting on his lap, he made his innocent face as I was staring away in embarrassment, his hands started gripping tight into my waist.

"I've being waiting for you to get home"

I could tell he was trying to get me aroused, but I just didn't want to trust him i pushed him away and got of his lap, he looked at me with pity in his face,

"Where are Crainer and Amelia?..and what are you doing here"

He looked back like he didn't know what to say, he then looked up at me and shrugged, I then sighed and tried walking away, but as soon as I even tried moving he got up and grabbed and tighed his arms around me leaving my arms out, I looked back at him flustered,

"Are you...mad at me..?"

I tried pulling myself away from him but me more I tried the harder he tightened his arms around me, but he was just so strong..

"Josh...let go off me"

"Since when did you start rejecting my hugs..."

I was then luckily able to pushed my self away from him, and I started stomping to my room, he then grabbed me this time but harder than before,

"Josh.. STOP..!"

He quickly let go off me with a sad look on his face, when I was finally able to walk away without him pulling me like i was a rope,


I didn't stop walking and ignored him, I then made it to my room and sat down not realizing Josh was following the whole time,

"Josh! leave me alone..please!"

He didn't even move he was just leaning on my door step with crossed arms, he stood back up and walked over to me, he sat down next to me, we didn't talk for a few seconds


"Josh..please don't talk to me right now..."

He turned his head over to me, with that same look in his face

"Tell me what I did Jelly"

I started getting upset at him, he then touched my laps, he was still trying to arouse me...

"Josh please stop and leave my room, I don't want to do it tonight"

"Why not..?"

I looked the opposite way of him sighing, then looked back at him,

"I'm not in the mood..."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now