Twisted Dream

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If only a miracle could happened, if only I'd have the actual audacity to say some simple words to you, just walking next to you is making my heart beat faster than it should.

"You look a little down today, are you ok?"

"oh..yeah, i was just tired today- ha.."

He just stared at me and looked away, I think I concerned him, (sigh) i was just have to make everything so obvious. We finally got to the parking lot which was where we found Crainer and Amelia standing there waiting for me and Josh.

"Hey guys, over here"

Amelia happily waved her hand in the air waiting for us while Crainer was on his phone I guess. He noticed me and Josh and ended his call with a small smile

"Hey, Crainer who were you just on the phone with?"

"Oh, it was-"

"Alright, enough with that, let's get going!"

Amelia stopped both me and Crainer and started rushing into the car, Crainer ignored her and faced me. Amelia peaked out the window with a frown

"Ugh..let's go already, we aren't waiting for anyone"

"Hold on, and we are. We are waiting for someone"

. . . .


Crainer glared at me once again and whipped his phone out, instead of another phone call he was texting. I was so confused and so was Amelia and Josh...wait.. did Crainer-

"..He'll be here any minute"

"Jeez, you guys should've just told me if you had another person in this group a long time ago"

"Well, he isn't exactly in our group, he disappeared a few months ago, before you came along"

"Well then who is-"

"Ah! There he is"

I looked the opposite direction of me and shouldn't have, my eyes widened in terror when he walked in. He was tall and wearing some appealing clothes, his hair was still the same as it was, but just grew a little and is a little straightened. I glanced back at Josh, his eyes were rested, he looked annoyed.

"Hi, everyone!"

I squinted my eyes a little and looked at everyone with a bit of sweat rolling down my body talked... this was such an awkward situation. I walked closer to Crainer and whispered in his ear.

"Crainer, why did you tell- come here?"

"Huh? But what to you mean? Isn't he your best friend"

Oh..wait, Crainer doesn't know any thing about what happened all those months ago, well I really can't say anything that can get me out of this..I looked back and saw that him and Ameila were starting to et along quickly.

" you're, like Jelly's first ever friend, like back in school or whatever?"

"Oh yeah, we go way back, right Jelly"

"Huh? Oh.. yeah. Ha.."

Has he forgotten what happend or what? He acting like he doesn't remember anything, he probably does though, i got hit by a truck and lost my memory, for like what, a week and a half? and i still remember what he did. He has to know..his acting won't fool me..

"Wow, Josh your sister and you look very much alike"

". . . "

Ahh..gosh, what am I going to do now.. this is so bad, and again the confession, this is going to a long day. All 5 of us got into the car, It felt so weird in here, it was quiet...I peaked out the window actually still wondering where we were going? I would have had the audacity to ask but, I don't think it's a good idea to even open my mouth right now. A few minutes passed and everyone did look bored, except Josh thought, he just kept this some what attractive face the whole time. I also realized that he hasn't talked at all since Jordi arrived, is he mad?

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now