(S3) Past & Future

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The time on this meeting with my sister made me want to shoot something, it was about the enforcement again, but I'm refusing to make a visit after last time, 3 months made me go a different type of insane. I'd shake my tea cup and look at how serious Amelia was about this situation. It had something to do with my lover, so I'm not tolerating that shit. I'm protecting Jelly from dangers and especially.. that fucked up building.

Josh's POV

"Josh.. this isn't something to put aside.."

". . ."

"You don't tolerate it but.. if they eventually start a target for him, what should we do about it. Jellys already familiar with what we do.. there's a high chance they'll come after him with no alignment"


I did have to scratch my chin for how shitty this situation does sound from the words of Amelia.. I promised him to never experience torture. That I'd be the one responsible for not being an honest lover to him.

"Lotta bullshit, I'm not visiting that place again"

"but what should we do... this is urgent and once again, we ignored the warning..."

"I've heard..."

"Where are you going..?"

Pretending i didn't hear her, I pushed aside and got out of the house. Jelly just alerted that he was outside waiting for me. Just hearing that he's standing there made my blood boil for some reason. Keeping him by my side is so oblivious now because of all these situations, for now, i shoukd just make the best of it and alert him the best way I can. Though, when I found him waving the other side of the glass, i wanted to forget my troubles. Maybe, a hug would help. . No, Kiss


Resisting myself is too difficult right now.. I went on myself and wrapped him against me. The shitty part about it was thinking about what i just heard.

"What's wrong..?"

Nothing. Nothing, Jelly... I stole a tiny peck but that just crushed me even more. He went home just yesterday since Amelia came back from the Bahamas with her friends with no sentence from her. It was good while it lasted.

"Let's live together."

"Huh.. all of a sudden..?"

"Don't wanna?"

"No. It's not that.. I'd.. like that."

Changing the subject like that was a bit unfortunate in my books but it's better to see Jelly's flushful face and childish smile infront of me, it eases pain sometimes.. lt makes me even question myself a few times on why I fell inlove with him. I've recently told Jelly things about me and his past since the accident. It was me who made the cause first. The effect took on for 9 years. Currently, he's embracing me with his body but i just feel pitiful that I'm holding and trying to caress his waiste when I've killed people with the same palm and fingers. I don't want any danger to lure him, if I can't be a good enough lover for him. It'll be the same again for me.. and for him.

"Jelly.. I'll try my best."

"Mmh? What are you talking about?"

"Let's go somewhere private, since its the second to last dawn of Christmas day"

12 24 20XX

1945 PM

Jelly's POV

This whole day I've being dragged around by bulging hands all through the cold. Even my gloves couldn't escape his warmth for some reason. Christmas light shows have began for the dawn of the day. We reached a familiar area, somewhere we've definitely visited but can't wrap my finger around it. A pier and looking ferris wheel covered in dusty and rocky snow.. His arms were still crossed, it gave me time to figure out where we've landed... it's theme seems to be so much more different compared to all those months ago...

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now