SIDE Chapt. 2 - Hurt

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It reached midnight not too long ago. I did force Josh to sleep outside, but now I wish I had meant it jokingly. Now I feel like he's not here at all, and I know he's not asleep. He's still working right now. How pitiful would I look if I walked out right now in front of him. I'm already outside his office door, wanting him to stop his work and get into bed with me.. only if it wasn't too much to ask for. He looked roughed up and tired already, but he just always had to overwork himself from time to time because of this reputation.

Without a single signal or call, the loud creek of the door slid open by a little nudge. It was loud, and im sure Josh has absolutely found out that im wanting something from him. That fact made me pause my motion because i was beginning to regret it. I did end up moving out of my spot and peeked my head over until Josh's beady eyes were able to spot them. The light from the ceiling fan made his gaze look more like a deadly glare. As if. This is how he looks at his targets. His pupil shifted again, back to the flash of a computer screen. Never thought I'd be so jealous over a device.

Finally, I decided to lift up both of my legs from their mannequin like position. I made it to Josh's side in less than 3 seconds. Now, I have to see if he falls for my exuse. To determine that, he must ask first what I'm doing here. I rethought that in my head while I was staring at his eyes. It's relfecion holding the rectangular shape of the big screen in front of him. With paperwork scattered all over the desk, his mug that's still filt with tea I made for him before I wiped out in bed all controlled by this working robot. I just know he's tired...

So.. maybe I should make the first move. This time.. yeah.. screw it. To get his complete attention. I'll have to do something.. submissive. I think..

Without thought. I slid my way through the crack of him, his arms and his desk. He pushed back to give me space. My legs hit his lap and stayed there. The urge to swing them around left me in the nick of time.

A second later, all we did was stare at each other. Making sure not one of us laughs

"Can't sleep?"

"Without you.."

A brow twitched, and i wanted to shut up when it did. I launched myself forward a bit, trying to catch his gaze a little bit more.

"I'll join you in a bit, ok? Go rest now."

"You need that more than I do. Come to bed..."

Now. If im correct, it looks like he's getting frustrated.. Right.. my idea was to convince him to ditch this work and focus on me
... from the tip of my toes. I finally knew what to do... I know I'll regret this later on. Might as well enjoy it as it lasts.

"But.. can we..?"

It's clear he knew what I was talking about. About how dangerous it is to get so close to a bright screen like that... or something else. . .

"Can we what?.."

..Moving my hips again and grinding. Having the chance to hint him

"Wanna find out?.."

The sudden movement crossed my eyes. All I felt was my bottom being grabbed by his hands, almost like he was being forced. It wasn't like that at all, though.. because I finally turned him on. I was placed and steadied on all the paperwork that lay on his desk. Hearing the sounds of paper crumbling made it sound like they were screaming. His arms boarded me until his face was pulled up close to him. All I could see from his perspective was his slanted eyes.

"Tell me what you want, Josh.. I'll give it to you.."


"Or.. if you still need to work.. I don't mean to disturb you -"

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