SIDE Chapt. 1 - Present

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Reconstruction had been done, me and Josh and I had a recent disapproval of both of our opinions. I just kinda overreacted with how he tries to get to it instantly. Even if he's at his job, I'm still watching the door, hoping it doesn't open anytime soon. It was just last night, and he bought it up again this morning. he was getting rowdy, and I was unable to sleep next to him. He left. Maybe guilty, he accidentally raised his voice when he didn't mean to. Making me flinch hard. I'm currently taking a break, trying to get New Year decorations ready with everyone else. They seem to have quit with their actions. I couldn't get my mind off this morning, though. It was unnecessary, and I couldn't afford to stop myself from being against him when it came to picking a side. To make it up to him, I'd probably let him do whatever he wants to me, but I'd disagree to that later on because I'm outta energy already.

Glancing on how Ian and Crainer have gotten their situation out faster than I thought, it's being.. a month? And they get lovey dovey fast and are still getting dissed about their age gap. As if they haven't seen illegal age differences higher than that. Sometimes, it gets me a little worked up and makes me wanna ask how Crainer got Ian's complete words to him. They have a different starting scenario, and for me and Josh, it's still hard to forget about how we met.

Mpheaa.. it is kinda gross seeing a couple going at it a little early anyway.

We all got exused from decorating cuz Crainer kicked us all out, except Ian. Nobody was suprised and were all tired anyways, so they were glad to leave. So was i. At that time when exchanging hands with everyone and quickly coming back to the quiet house. I didn't drop myself immediately, but stayed up infornt of the door until Josh came home. Did I change my outfit? Of course. Only to his buttoned up shirt though. Recently, Josh has token off a particular job at his families representative company. Temple Co. or something like that. He's basically a leader now and i was to congratulate him to the fullest. Even though it was yesterday and i was unable to give him anything.

He was probably expecting me to walk into a grumpy state. Little did he know, I'm letting him do whatever he wants since i abolished him last night and this morning..

The noise of clacking hit my eardrums, making me steady again. Behind was the person responsible for the clacking and this present waitng for him. Once he spotted me, all he did was raise both brows and probably wanted to get out of this situation. Obviously, that's not an option for him, my head rerang once i began dragging his hand to our bedroom. Feeling kinda independent. I looked down at him.. waiting patiently and expecting a "Yes, Jelly?" Or "what happend?"



Hopefully, he thinks I'm not mocking him. Once I'm excepting grief that maybe he'd actually copy the correct words but "Huh" is a whole new level.

"Do you even understand why your here?"

"I know, i know."

My waiste got snatched by his hands and he pulled me down to his lap. I did everthing on the list other than defending myself from this point

"But, I apologized, didn't i?"

"Yeah.. I'm not falling.. for that!"

I blabbered out as i almost did.

"Jelle, you know the chief job I'm working as soon, right?"

"..yeah? And?"

"The contract said something really important that included you in it.."

"That I'm being hunted down by assassination groups cuz I'm dating an assassin?"

"You got that right.."

". . ."

"I'm just kidding. Ok. Jokes aside now."

I gave him my hand, all he did was rub his lip on it. This is just a sign that's telling me that this will go a whole different direction.

"The contract said before i get passed on the job of chief manager. The only term and condition i havent filled out yet is having

A spouse.."

..At that very moment, i finally found out why life has a tough effect on me...

"And who's that going to be?"


"What if i disagree."

"Then I'll have to get married to some random woman recommended, but why would I do that.. when i already have my choice on my lap right now."


"Soon, your ring finger will have something gorgeous around it. A present from me. You wouldn't allow your lover to get stolen so easily because of marriage. Right?"


"You're my fiancé already. What are you going to do about it?"

"Sleep outside."

"Awh, Jelly.. why?.."

"Let go!!"

"Mh. I wonder, what could you be wearing my shirt with nothing underneath?"


Fiancé!?.. s-seriously? Though, thats not the first time he's brought up marriage like that. It'd be difficult for us to get married anyways, so when he brings it up, I start stressing...

"I'll say this only once, Josh. Keep dreaming"

"Of course, I dream about marrying you everyday. Sometimes, I shoot things in the morning once i wake up from dreams where we were newlyweds"

. . .I can't say that he made that up, so maybe that really is what he thinks of. He's even trying to smile making me want to believe him even more than i do already. He looks too happy for somebody who used to be a cold blooded person. Once ny thoughts were flooded, i was unbearably distraceted by the fact that my thighs were reacting to me sitting on.... Josh.

"you're bright red"

"I know! I know... "

"..jelly, can I?"

"No. I need.. the.. restroom!"


"Yup... Totally sure."

"Want me to help?"


"Why no-?"





Next deadline: Nov 15th

Was gonna expand it a little. Oh well.

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