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The next day had occured, it was still late.. I just couldn't sleep.. i ended up tearing up in my dream and in real life, i wasn't intendente to but when it comes to. . . mmh.. screw this.. I sat on the side of my bed, clenching my fists togeher wishing I could just punch him across the face.. it's like he brainwashed me.. the first time we met.. it wasn't what I expected from him, it's like he fell for me first.. but never confirmed it. I don't remember much.. but... our relationship before he left our apartment we were unbelievably close and after a bit it all just came crashing down.. my head got a head of me.. it's not even my fault i swear.. it's his.. what was he even trying to accomplish telling everyone last minute? I clenched my fists.. wanting to hit something- ahh if only punching bag Crainer was here.. I got up trying to take a breather from this.. it's 2 in the morning and if i sleep that dream will 100% continue.. I wasn't even sleepy anymore but i was just.. bored i guess.. what the- where the hell is Crainer? Oh yeah.. his date.. he probably got dumped, but he should be back by now, ehh.. to be honest, that dream.. is all I've being thinking about.. it's weird because i can still feel him kissing me... gosh.. no way.. sigh. I need to do something, maybe I'll go on a walk like last time and I just won't think of anything but mother nature breeze. I sprinted out the apartment trying to empty my mind.. it's still pretty early but early walks help me calm down a lot, as I strolled around I finally found my self emptying my mind, it felt great...until i looked in the corner of my eye... it was... it was the blond girl.. I haven't seen her in months... i walked over to the side of the park where the blond girl was looking out on the sky. I approached her by gently tapping her shoulder..


"Hi.. "

"Oh! Hi Jelly, it's being months!"

She seems more happy than before... I'm glad

"Uh... yeah"

"how is everything going?"

I flinched and looked away.. just as i was supposed to forget about it.. it's taking over again.. I can't blame her though, I've being keeping her unaware of me and Josh

"Ah.. well, it's good .. I guess"

"Huh? It doesn't look that to the expression of your face.. what happened?"

"Heh? no.. it's just because it's morning right now.."

"Did.. you guys fight?"

Eh!? Is it like she can see the past..? I flinched in despair of what to say.. but I couldn't lie.

"I guess.. yea"

"It's ok.. it happens a lot, but Josh doesn't hate you.."

I glanced at her taking her advice, she told me to follow her to a nearby bench where we could have a conversation after... I few months.. I even feel bad i didn't invite her to my birthday..

"Well.. it's being a few months, so can you tell me what happened?"


(Chapt. 21)

"I'm going back to the UK..."

My heart jumped as I heard him spill those words, surely.. that's a joke right?

"What... how..? And.. why?"

". . . "

"Why are you just saying this now..? Were you unaware?"

". . . I wasn't"

"What..? Then if you weren't.. why would you keep that a secret..?"

I had dozens of questions but i didn't know how I'd ask them... the atmosphere here got really quiet, it felt gloomy and scary. Josh.. wasn't talking..

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now