The Second British

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I really almost lost my life, like for good, what was I even thinking about what was so important that it took the best of me, of course I couldn't remember, but oh well atleast i survived that's when I got a notification on my phone, it was Josh, i picked up my phone almost dropping it, he told me to come downstairs so got up from my oversized pillow and went downstairs to the living room wheren i could see Josh texting someone, he looked annoyed as well, when I was fully downstairs i went to go ask him what was up, he noticed me and walked over to me,

"Hey, what's up?"

"Jelly, are you doing ok now? Or are you still having a headache"

My head still felt a bit heavy, but thanks to some paracetomal I should be ok for now

"Uh yea, I'm alright, anyways what are you doing why did you call me down?"

"I hope it's ok with you"

I didn't try guessing what was going on but what ever it is, it must be important...

"Yea..I'll be ok, but what are we exactly doing"

"Ok, my sister just recently-"

Sister...? So he does have other sibling, how come he's never told me about her and why have i never seen or hear about her before, did she go to school at a different place?

"Hey you listening?"

"Oh yea..."

"Ok so you can come to the airport right?"

"Yea, i would like to meet her"

I guess his sister is just coming in to NY for the first time, that's what I thought but i wasn't really sure, Josh asked me to get ready for us to go get his sister and he already told Crainer as well, when we were all ready we drove to the airport, when we got inside we walked to the waiting seats and Josh called her to see if she was off the plane yet, it sounded like they were sort of arguing on the phone, we waited for a few minutes until we saw a brown brunette with a dark purple suitcase with the British flag on it,

"Yup that's her"

She ran over to us panting hard, she did looks very much like Josh, sort of a female version of him, when she finally caught a breathe she looked at me and Crainer,

"Oh so these are you're friends, Hi I'm Amelia, this idiot right here is my Older brother"

She seemed extremely friendly, I'm pretty sure she's one of those girls that are positive about everything,

"Ok so what are you're names?"

"I'm right here Amelia.."

She stared at him then looked back at us with a smile, that was a bit awkward aswell, Crainer bravely stepped up and introduced both of us so i didn't have too

"I'm Crainer, and he's Jelly"

"Well nice to meet you guys, Josh has told me so much about you,especially you Jelly"

"Hey Josh, isn't he the one you-"

Josh didn't hesitate and quickly blocked her mouth from finishing her sentence,

"Don't make me regret my gut to bringing you here...I wouldn't mind if i had sent you back to England"

The way Josh reacted to that startled me a little, it also made him a little bit more attractive too...argh what am i thinking, we were on our way out of the airport with Ameila and Josh still at the back arguing at eachother,

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now