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I glared at my sweaty palms and started looking around for if i was just dreaming or... if that was true, I pulled my blanket away, jumped out of bed and ran out my room, nobody was there, i felt stupid..I didn't even know what time it was, it was super late and i was still in the verge of spitting out questions. Crainer's probably still asleep though, should I go back to sleep too? I didn't feel very sleepy anymore.. after that dream, but I still tried getting some rest. . .

i just shut my eyes and hoped I'd just fall into deep sleep, but it felt strange.. why am I scared to sleep. I decided not to sleep and just stay up till Crainer wakes up, I just grabbed my phone again ane started skimming around on my phone, until I checked the date, it was the 15th of October.. a day after my birthday. I'm still stumped though, was that just a dream..? I hope it was..? While i dropped my phone I was thinking on why i couldn't have any good dreams like that one when me and Josh were actually together.. just thinking about it coming true is making me happy enough, i don't think I can wait till Crainer wakes up, what will I do? I don't wanna just stay in bed when i can't fall back asleep... maybe I could go on a night walk, yea i should. It will keep my mind of all this, I quickly put on some more going out clothes and quietly went out the door trying not to wake up Crainer, I took a breathe and started walking, it was still so dark out and was I little chilly out.

I walked around the park for a while still thinking about the same thing even though the reason I'm out here this late was to forget everything, but i guess nothing is working, i had no other better option but to just sit down at a nearby bench and think about it again... I even just realize that me and Josh don't get enough time to see eachother, wait..no but, the last time me and him were together was when I just came to his house without him even expecting me... that make me think if I'm the one who always misses him, yeah that's right, has Josh ever missed me though? And right after i met with him after a long time something bad happened to me, and then after that.. I met up with him again and now I'm getting dreams about us, one was good, the one i recently got was bad and the bad one was about me actually confessing... wait.. is that a sign that if i say out my feelings to him, he'll leave me again..? I'm asking to many questions.. but it's so confusing though. You know what.. I shouldn't doubt myself anymore, my goal here is to tell him how much he means to me and that's being my goal for so long, I can't be scared now.. after I've came so far.

A spark of confidence flew through me, I was about to walk out but then looked at how bright it was already i guess I was over thinking, not the first time that's happened, at this time Crainer might be awake already, i better get back. It was getting a lot more chilly out and all I had was a sweater on, I better get back home it's like I'm about to freeze to death. I walked into the house I'd normally done to see Crainer, he was just chilling though, I don't he even realizes I'm home yet, I took a little glance of his face and it was like his eyes were superglued to his phone, I then glanced at his phone, he still hasn't realized me yet, he was texting someone, maybe it's time to tell him that I'm behind the couch staring at him.

"Yo, Crainer-"

"WAAAH- Huh? Oh.."

Ha, his exaggeration is so funy sometimes, he was taking a breather for no reason trying to make it look like he just ran a marathon. I then focused on his phone again that was just out in the open cuz I accidentally threw it when I scared him.

"Wooo, who you talkin' to?"

"Uh.. no one important!"

I then chuckled and sat down right next to him as he quickly snatched his phone from the floor, he quickly turned around, was he embarrassed?

"You gonna tell me who your texting or what"

"Get out my case"

"C'mon Crainer, you're always in my case, why so mad, just tell meee!"

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now