(S3) Correct Me

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The ride home seemed longer than before, maybe because both me and Josh were excited.. it was also scary because Josh was speeding a bit, and I didn't feel comfortable in my seat belt. The whole time, Josh was using his hands seperate on the wheel and the other on my lap. He's still lightly touching it and kept getting closer to my crotch. We made it home after a full 15 minutes of him stroking me. Goodness knows how.. the second Josh slammed the door shut to make the whole building shake. He once again pushed in for another kiss, it hurts because my mouth felt so numb. I didn't have the audacity to move because he said he was going to do all the work and I didn't have to do anything but.. stay in front of him. Minute by minute, I could feel both of our layers of clothes flailing off us. It made me feel this short temptation for a second, making me shiver a lot. He suppressed his body onto mine, blocking my hands and his legs in between my crotch. That's when he began rubbing in between there. That's when it began to feel good...

It all went on for such a while. I didn't realize how much time had gone by.. it's already nighttime. December 23rd. Josh has much more stamina than me, so I was already worn out by him, leaving all these marks all over me. From head to toe to be exact. He ordered me chicken just to apologize for not reaslizing my numb lips. But at the same time, he wanted to keep pressing up against it. His arms were wrapped upon my waist and his head feeling light-weighted on the back of my head, this same as always. I bluntly noticed the tag on the hoodie I was wearing. It was the bloody dark red one. The one that had "SLG" in the front of it. I noticed this a few months ago as well. I've wanted to ask Josh what this meant. It looks like something interacted with work for him, but I just wanted to know what the full meaning was.

"Hey, Josh. Can I ask you something..?"

"Mmh? Yeah, what is it?"

"This hoodie that I'm wearing right now, there are words written in the front of it."

"What words?"

" 'SLG' in bold, what does that mean?"

He paused for a minute, maybe even froze, I turned to see his reaction, and what I anticipated was right. He seemed a little lost.

"Oh.. you noticed that"

"I've been noticing that. I just wanted to know what these words mean. Are you sure it's not the branding of this hoodie?"

"No, it's no branding.. it's just a nickname I've been called back when I was back in the UK."

"So.. what does it mean?"

"It might be a little bit of a damp story to tell. I was a small lad back then.."

"Really! Well, I don't care, I want to know more about you."

He seemed bitter according to his face, he let his hand on mine, that's a sign of him wanting me to let go of the question.. but curious asses like me want to know everything. I'll have to get it out of him.

"Pleaase?? I just wanna know."

A plentiful sigh came out the and feeling of nervousness again when he told me secrets about his past like always.

"Ok, fine."

I sat comfortably looking forward to another story time. Josh was still un amused, but he promised to keep his promises.


"I was about 10 or 11 years old when I was walking and exploring around our rosemary bush and vegetable garden outside the mansion with Amelia, we were both meant to pick up some tomatoes for lunch.. but that was when I met a disgusting looking animal.. it was rather big and was chomping on the tomatoes and leaves.. it had completely damaged the tomatoe garden. "Joshua, look! It's eaten the ripest tomatoes! What do we do?"

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now