Chapter One- Beefcake

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Note: this book is updated in time with my book Mercy. To fully understand this chapter please read chapters 1-7 of Mercy before this. Thank you!

Chapter One-


"So I'm on my way to that club now. Sawyer is at his house so he won't see me there. Can you believe that piece of shit? He really thinks I can't sit on my ass and take orders from some glorified sugar daddy? He pretends that being a submissive is hard or something! Even if it is I could still do it with my fucking hands tied behind my back." I shout, walking down the street. I parked my car in the closest lot which is a block from the club because the lot for the club was full.

"Your hands will be tied behind your back, Noe. I know that you're always trying to prove people wrong, but this isn't a game that you can win. Sawyer explained it to me when I found out about it and it's so much more than just the sex." Candace sighs. She knows she won't be able to change my mind once I have a goal to reach.

"Whatever. Look, I'm gonna go. Love ya!" I hang up before she can respond and put my phone into my pocket while walking up to the entrance where the bouncer is waiting.

"Name?" He asks with a clipboard in his hand.

I roll my eyes and take a big step forward, pressing myself against the tall man. "I want to talk to whoever is in charge of this joint, got it? Now run along and bring him to me or step aside so I can go to him."

"With an attitude like that, you'll get torn apart in there." He says, allowing me to walk inside before telling another man to take me to the head dom.

As I'm led through the club, I let my eyes scan the crowd, noticing Elliot seductively dancing on Teagan. I thought that Teagan and Sawyer were a thing, but I guess at this place anyone can fuck whoever they want as long as everyone is cool with it.

We eventually stop outside of a door and the bouncer tells me to stay out as he walks in. I press my ear to the door when he closes it so that I can hear.

"Some brat walked up and demanded to talk to you. I think he may be interested in joining but he's got quite an attitude." The bouncer says.

The next voice has my cock hardening and my knees shaking at the sound alone. "A brat, huh? I'm sure I can tame him. Let him in."

I back up and wipe any expression off of my face as the bouncer opens the door to let me walk in. Once I step in, I'm faced with the most handsome man on the face of planet earth.

God, I thought Teagan was a beefcake, but this guy is way hotter. His dark tan skin has such an exotic look to it especially with his medium length black hair and the slight stubble on his jaw. His eyes are a vibrant hazel color and he's wearing nothing but a pair of tight leather pants and biker boots. It takes every ounce of self control I have to not walk right up and start licking his abs.

"Holy mother of fucking Christ, I thought Teagan was the daddiest beefcake around but I clearly hadn't met you." I mutter, not even attempting to hide the way I check him out.

He raises a brow at me, looking amused as he chuckles softly. "I think that's a compliment."

"Fuck yeah." I answer, looking up to his gorgeous eyes once I'm finished eye fucking him. "So what does it take to get my name on that list?"

"If you wish to join the club as a member then you'll have to go through an interview with me followed by a background check and an std test. If I accept you, you'll begin training. I just finished training a submissive, so I'll be doing your training if you're accepted." He explains making my eyes widen.

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