Chapter Nine- The Grayson's

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Note: Read chapter 13-16 of Mercy before continuing

Chapter Nine-


I walk up to the door and knock a few times. Sawyer's house isn't small by any means. It's probably got a few bedrooms and a few bathrooms, but I don't think it's quite enough for all the kids. Noel shares a room with one of his brothers when he stays here.

I'm tempted to offer them money to move into a bigger place, but I'm sure Teagan has offered a dozen times. Besides, I don't want to come across as rude.

The door swings open a few seconds later, revealing a very small boy with brown hair and blue eyes. "Who the fuck are you?"

His tone makes my eyes widen quickly. I'm not sure what I expected. Noel does curse a lot.

"Cameron! You're not supposed to answer the door." Another boy shouts, walking over to yank Cameron back. This boy looks older, and is a carbon copy of Noel. He's got to be a preteen, but the hair and eye color are the same as well as his skin tone.

"Who are you?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest. Noel told me about this one. Julian.

"I'm Dax Whitlock. Is Noel here?" I ask, and the kid rolls his eyes, making me narrow my eyes slightly. I hate disrespectful kids.

"He's here, but you should probably run while you can. He sleeps with a new guy every month and probably has herpes or something." He grumbles before opening the door a bit more to let me step inside. "You can wait here or something while I go get him."

I sigh deeply and nod, looking around. There's two boys wrestling in the livingroom. They look like twins to me. Noel told me a bit about his siblings, so I'm assuming they're Cameron and Carter.

There's also two teenagers who seem to be arguing in the kitchen. The younger one looks like Sawyer. That's Frankie. The older one must be William then.

A small girl is rocking playing with an even younger girl. There aren't many girls so I'm sure I can remember them. Lottie, the eight year old, and Carson the four year old. That's all of them I think.

"So you're the 'beefcake' that's been fucking my brother into oblivion?"

I turn my head at the sound of the feminine voice and tilt my head. Her hair is long and wavy, but the same color as Noel's. Their faces are identical, if she weren't clearly a girl, I'd think that they're identical twins.

The only thing that proves that they aren't is her chest. I've never been attracted to women, but she's probably the closest a woman will ever get to being attractive to me.

"I guess that would be me. You're... Candace, right? Pleased to meet you." I tell her, reaching out to take her hand before bowing and pressing a kiss to her knuckle.

She blushes and yanks her hand back. "I am. I'm Noel's twin, so you better not hurt him. We have telepathy so trust me, I'll know. He does seem happier though, so thanks for that. He's finally stopped sleeping around."

"I won't hurt him. He's sure to break my heart before I break his." I assure her before smiling. "I forgot my formal introduction. I'm Dax Whitlock."

"Hi, Sir! Sorry about that, we drew straws for the shower and I got the shortest one." Noel tells me as soon as he gets down the stairs.

He looks stunning. Even with his hair still wet and sticking to his face. His button up is one that I got for him. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He's also got on plain jeans that are tight enough to hug his ass perfectly and a pair of vans.

"You look beautiful." I tell him, reaching up to run my fingers through his wet hair.

He smirks and leans forward on his tippy toes to kiss me deeply. I grin and wrap my free arm around his waist to pull him against me.

I hear one of his siblings cat call us as another yells 'get some'. I can't help but to pull away and burst into laughter. I'm an only child so all of this sibling stuff is new to me. It's funny though.

"Julian said you got a sugar daddy." Frankie mentions, making Will and Noel smirk at the same time.

"If he bought me nice shit like he does with you, I'd let him be my daddy all he wants." Will says, making Noel laugh.

"Will, you like vaginas. Besides, just about the only kink I don't have is the daddy kink. I already have a dad and he's a piece of shit." Noel mutters.

His siblings all not in agreement, but Julian chimes in. "Mom basically sold us to Sawyer like she never wanted to see any of us again. The hag is like 60 and still popping kids out. Can't they use a condom or something."

"She's only 39 you know? She had Sawyer when she was 14." Noel informs them.

"Gross." Frankie answers.

"Right, well I've got to get going. I love you guys. Don't drive Candace crazy." He tells them, kissing and hugging each of his siblings before crouching down to hug Carson.

"I don't want you to go, Noe." She mumbles, her little brown eyes starting to water, but he just smiles.

"It's okay. That big guy is like my best friend. He's super duper nice, and he's going to make sure that I'm okay while I'm gone." Noel assured her, making me smile.

"He's scary like Teagan." She comments, making Noel laugh and kiss both her cheeks.

"Well he's nice like Teagan too. Maybe if you don't scare him too much then he'll come over again." Noel negotiates, making Carson nod.

Candace follows us outside and shuts the door so she can turn to us. "You be safe, okay? I know you're freaky when it comes to sex, but please nothing crazy that will put you in a hospital or something. I swear I saw something like that on the news."

She only stops rambling, when Noel hugs her tightly and puts his finger over her lips. "Dax treats me good, Candace. I swear."

"Yeah yeah." She grumbles before walking to me and sticking her hand out. "He tells me everything about his sex life and always has, so most of what I've heard of you has been pretty NSFW, but it's nice to put a face to a name."

I desperately force the blush off my face while sticking my hand out as well to shake hers. "Well, I assure you that I'm more than just my sex life. It's great to meet you too though."

"I know. I googled you, Mr. CEO of Whitlock Enterprises. Born with a ton of money and a perfectly functioning family. Noel isn't perfect, and his life isn't perfect, but if you think you can handle that then stick around because he's worth it. Trust me."

Noel looks at us curiously, letting me know that he didn't hear her, but when I nod she just turns and heads back inside. She has no idea how little she has to worry. I'm already falling for him.

"Dax? C'mon."

I smile and climb in the car before leaning over to capture his lips and kiss him deeply. Yeah... I'm head over heels.

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