Chapter Twelve- Collar

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Chapter Twelve-


I took Noel back to his house and took care of my own work for a while. I picked him up as well, and now we're headed to the club.

"I'm so excited! I've been good, right? That means I get my present." Noel tells me, practically bouncing in his seat as we pull up to the parking lot in the back.

We climb out and head inside. I smack Noel's ass when he flips off James, the bouncer. He does it every time, but I know James isn't really bothered by it.

I lead the way to my playroom, and close the door when we get in. Noel immediately starts to strip all of his clothes off, making me smile. He's used to my rules by now, and I'm happy to see that it's second nature to him at this point.

"Yes, Baby. You've been very good so I'll give you your gift." I tell him, heading towards the dresser where I've been keeping it. "Close your eyes and no peeking."

I hear a soft 'Yes, Master' from him. The sound alone makes my cock jump a bit, but when I turn to see him kneeling naked in the center of the room, I'm sure it's leaking now. I hold the box tightly in my hands as I circle him a few times, letting my eyes rake over every inch of him.

Noel is perfect. Not just his body, but his personality as well. He's fun, but can be serious when I need him to be. He takes everything like a challenge which keeps me on my toes. He's totally shameless, which makes him a joy to play with. He'll tell me what he wants without a hint of uncertainty or embarrassment. I love him for the adorable brat he is.

I step closer and lift my foot to run the tip of my boot over his cock. It twitches a bit as he sucks in a sharp breath of air. He likes being degraded. Part of that is enforcing our positions.

Technically submissives have the power in a dom/sub relationship. Doms would have nothing without the submissive's consent, but they relinquish control to their doms just like Noel does with me.

He allows me to do what we both enjoy. I enjoy being above him. I enjoy teasing and toying with him. I like trying to embarrass him as well. He likes that too.

I smirk and crouch down in front of him. Taking a moment to admire the way his long, dark eyelashes contrast against his tan skin.

I reach my hand down to poke at the tip of his length, digging my nail into this slit. He winces and moans softly, keeping his eyes closed as he gets even harder. I laugh softly and trail my hand down more to lightly pinch the base of his cock. He winces again, but moans louder.

"Hm... you must be a dirty little slut if that's what's getting you off." I hum in his ear, making sure that my tone is teasing.

"Yes, Master. Just for you though. Only you can toy with me and touch me however you want." He assures me, making me smirk. Like I said, shameless. It's nearly impossible to embarrass him.

"Alright. Well here's your gift, so open your eyes." I tell him, handing him the box once his eyes open. He shifts slightly and slowly takes the top off of the box, gasping at what's inside.

"Holy shit, Master. This looks so expensive!" He tells me, taking the collar out of the box. It's leather with a velvety texture on the inside, and my name is on the front, spelled out in diamonds.

The collar is black, and the diamonds are white. There's also a loop on the back for if we ever test out leashes or bondage that would involve tying his neck.

He stares at the collar in his hands for a moment before looking up at me. His eyes are actually watering, making mine widen.

"Hey... it's okay, baby. What's wrong?"

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