Chapter Twenty Five- Mickey

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Chapter Twenty Five-


It's been a whole entire day without Dax, and now I'm at Sawyer's house wishing that he was here too.

"Kids! Dinner!"

I stand up and make my way out of my room, watching the little kids run past me to trample down the stairs.

I follow after them and sit at the table as Teagan gives us our plates, making sure the food on Julian's doesn't touch. He's picky about that.

"Could I have extra corn for goat?" Julian asks as he starts eating with the bird tucked into his shirt.

Teagan hands him a small cup of corn which Julian feeds to his duck. I can tell that Frankie is annoyed with the duck being around all the time, but it really doesn't cause many problems.

"Do you guys have any friends that are straight? It seems like every time I meet one, they're gay."

"You're one to talk, Mr. I Fucked My Best Friend." I answer, making Will glare at me.

"What does fucked mean?" Carson asks.

Cameron turns to her and starts to explain "It's when a guy sticks his penis-"

Teagan reaches over to cover his mouth. "That's enough from you, kid. Carson, that's a bad word that Noel shouldn't be saying."

"Oh. Noel is being bad?"

"Yes. Very bad."

"Anyway. Beau isn't gay. Not really anyway." Sawyer mentions.

"How? He's a guy that likes guys."

"He's pangender so he's only like half gay."

"Whats pangender?" Julian asks.

"It's when someone doesn't care what gender people think they are."

"Oh. Gender is stupid anyway. How come some things are for boys and some are for girls. People in my class say I'm girly all the time just because of the things I like, but it's not fair. Nothing can really be girly or manly because the whole concept of gender is totally made up. I don't want to be a girl or a boy. I'd rather just be me." Julian rants, rolling his eyes.

"So you're non-binary." I ask.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you're not a boy or a girl. You don't think that people should be bound to the construct of gender." Sawyer explains.

"Oh. So basically what I just said."

I smile and nod. "Yes. So do you want us to call you they/them now?"


"Instead of calling you he or him. We can call you they or them so it's not gender specific."

"I don't care what you call me. I'm just tired of people putting each other into boxes just because it's convenient."

"You're totally right. You're completely woke, Julian. How about we try he/they and see if you're more comfortable with it?"

"Okay. Can goat be a he/they too?"

"Maybe we should take him to a vet to see if he's even a male. He might be a female and it's better to know now then wait until he lays eggs all over your bed."

"What if they take him because we aren't supposed to have ducks as pets."

"I looked it up and it's legal to have ducks as pets here. We'll take him over the weekend, alright?" Sawyer tells him.

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