Chapter Nineteen- 50 Shades

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Chapter Nineteen-


"We're moving?" I ask while the family eats dinner. Dax had some big business meeting, so it's just Teagan and the rest of us.

It's hard to process what he just told us. Teagan bought us a house. It's not a down payment or a plan. He bought it for the listed price and now it's his. I don't understand rich people. What could he possibly need that much money for?

"I don't want to go to a new school. I like my teacher." Julian complains.

The other kids are at the small table considering none of them really care, but we all know how much stuff like this bothers Julian. He frowns and uses his fork to push his food around on his plate.

"Same here. It would suck moving right when sophomore year starts." Frankie adds.

Sawyer shakes his head and smiles at us. "You'll be in the same school district."

Even if they get to go to the same school, I'll have to drive an extra 10 minutes anytime I want to see Dax or go to the club which happens to be my job. "Well it's farther from where Dax lives. And the club which is my job if you forgot."

"You'd get your own room." He negotiates, making me perk up.

I'm 18 years old and I have never had my own room before. even when I was a baby I had to share a room with Candace and as we got older and hit puberty, Candace didn't want to share a room with me because I'm a boy, so I had to stay in the room with Will and Frankie for a while and then Sawyer bought this house and I still have to share with Will.

I'd get a whole room to myself. I can decorate how I want and play whatever music I want and I won't have to argue over who gets to use the bathroom first and I can have sex with my boyfriend without worrying about Will walking in.

"Okay. I'm in." I agree. 10 minutes is worth it. Dax could even spend the night sometimes.

"What about the rest of us?" Frankie asks, pouting as if he wants his own room too.

"Teagan actually bought the house, so he can tell you about the room situation."

"Right." Teagan says, starting to explain. "The biggest room is for Sawyer and I and I did the rest based on oldest to youngest. Noel and Candace both get their own rooms. Will, Frankie, and Julian get their own rooms too. Cameron and Carter would share a room. Lottie and Carson would share a room, and we'd have a nursery for Alistair."

Julian pouts and glares at his plate. He can be unpredictable when it comes to how he reacts to things, but I can't see why he'd be mad about getting his own room.

"How come Teagan gets to decide? He's not our dad, and it doesn't seem fair that we have to listen to him anyway-"

Sawyer glares at him. "Well, according to the law, I'm your dad, and since Teagan is my boyfriend, and I respect his opinion, I'm choosing to listen to what he thinks about the situation. I don't really care if you think it's fair or not, because after all the shit he's done for you guys, the least you can do is listen to him and be respectful. Got it?"

It was definitely a bit harsh, but I can see where he's coming from. Teagan has been in our lives since Julian was just a toddler and he's done a lot for us. It makes sense for us to respect and listen to him. He hasn't given us any reason not to.

Julian looks down at his plate and slowly nods. "I just don't like things changing."

Sawyer gets a guilty look on his face and stands to walk over to Julian, putting his arms around him and kissing his forehead. "Everything is going to work out just fine. I promise."

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