Chapter Sixteen- Members

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Chapter Sixteen-


I'm excited to get new members. For right now, I'm still the newest one at the club and I want new people to come so that I'm not the fresh meat anymore. "I'm excited to see them, Master."

"Well they should be in here anytime. James will likely have them sign their NDA's as soon as they arrive and then-"

The door opens, cutting Master off when a large man walks in. He's only a bit shorter and skinner than Dax. The next one to walk in is just a bit bigger than Sawyer and the last one is smaller than me by just a smidge.

"Hello. I'm Dax, the head dom. It's good to see you three." He says, looking at all of them as if he's trying to size them up.

It's because he can't tell their roles. Honestly, I can't either. Usually doms have this look in their eyes, but none of these three are particularly dominant.

Dax reaches his hand out to the tallest one as if to flip a coin, but the smallest one speaks. "Excuse them. I don't allow them to touch other doms."

My eyes widen when I look at him. He's very shy, and looks even smaller standing in between the two larger men. He has no problem meeting Dax's gaze, but looks away after a moment.

"No, I understand. This is my submissive, Noel. Do you mind if he stays?"

"Not at all." The smallest one responds simply, sitting in the chair across from the desk. He sits with his eyes down and his hands in his lap. The two bigger men kneel on either side of him, making me tilt my head. According to everything I've learned, doms are supposed to be more strong and confident in order to lead their subs, but this one seems timid.

"I'll also ask if your submissives can speak to me just for the duration of the interview."


"Alright then. Let's begin." Dax hums while I stare. "Name?"


"Full name."

"I'd rather not share my last name."

"We've all signed nondisclosure agreements. Anything said here is only for my ears. You may also find that many men who come here are ones in the public eye. My club is very discrete."

"Spencer Laurier."

"Laurier and Co?" Dax asks. I've never heard of it before, but I'm also not a fancy big shot like they are.

"That's the one. And your name?"

"Dax Whitlock."

"Whitlock Enterprises?"

"Nail on the head."

Spencer smiles a bit and nods to his submissives.

"I'm Flynn Elrod, but everyone just calls me Fly." The smaller one says.

"I'm Beck Trevino."

Spencer reaches over to pet Beck, making the large man shut his eyes and relax a bit. Fly pouts a little, but when Beck realizes, he moves so that he's closer to Fly, reaching out to hold his hand.

"What are your ages?"

"I'm 24. Beck is 24 as well, and Fly is 20." Spencer answers for all of them. It seems easier that way.

"Alright well it's important for you to know then that I won't let people consume alcohol if they're underage. I also don't allow doms or subs to participate in scenes if either party is intoxicated, and the same goes for driving. If you've been drinking then you can have James call you a taxi considering that's what I pay him for."

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