Chapter Fifteen- Elian

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Chapter Fifteen-


Waking up next to Noel fills my heart with so much joy that it's hard to understand. I know I love him, but it almost feels like more than that.

I smile at the way he looks. His dark brown hair contrasts with his lighter skin, and he always looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. There's no sassy attitude or cute smirk. He looks innocent this way.

I move slowly so that I don't wake him and stand up, putting on a pair of sweatpants before making my way downstairs.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

I jump slightly at the sound of the voice and turn to look at him sitting at the dining room table with a little smile.

"What the fuck are you doing here? How did you get in? How do you know where I live?" I glare and try to keep my voice down, glancing towards the steps. The last thing I want is for Noel to wake up.

"Can't I come visit my fiancé without being interrogated?"

"Ex fiancé." I remind him, rolling my eyes as I walk towards the kitchen. Maybe he'll leave if I ignore him.

"I still have the ring." He answers while I make my way around the kitchen to get ingredients to make breakfast for Noel.

"Just because you still have the ring doesn't mean I still want to marry you."

"Sure, so what are you making?" He asks, walking closer to put his small hands on my bare back.

I turn around and grab his wrists tightly, glaring down at him. He's pretty. That much is obvious. He has caramel brown hair and dark blue eyes. He has cute little freckles on his cheeks and he has a habit of painting his fingernails when he's bored, but it's as though all of the things that I once thought were so adorable now only make me sad.

I don't want to look at him anymore.

"Don't touch me."

"Why? I miss you and I really want for us to be close again."

"No. How did you get in here anyway? Fabian wouldn't have let you in."

"Fabian doesn't come until 7:30. My boyfriend disabled your alarms, so I just walked right in. Easy peasy." He hums, leaning closer to me.

I tighten my grip more, and back away from him before letting go. "I don't want you here."

"I still care about you, Dax. Can't you just give it a shot?"

"You don't care about me. If you cared about me then you wouldn't have cheated on me multiple times. You would've respected me enough to not hurt me. You don't fucking care, so stop pretending that you're not the heartless bitch I know."

"Wow, name calling? That's mature." He grumbles, backing up to hop on the counter. He leans back and spreads his legs a bit. I keep eye contact with him, refusing to look at his body. "You want me. I bet you still think about me all the time, right? I'm yours."

"I don't want you, and even if I did, you have a boyfriend, don't you?"

Elian jumps off and comes closer to wrap his arms around my neck and press himself against me. "You and I both know that never stopped me before."

"Dax? Who's that?" I turn my head to look at Noel.

I almost rush to explain myself, but I stop when I see his expression. He's wearing loose sweatpants, but his arms are crossed over his chest and his eyes are full of anger. It's not directed at me, but at Elian.

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