Chapter Forty Two- Pillow Princess

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Chapter Forty Two-


"I think it's really sweet that you gave them the day off, but Fabian is way better at this." I admit, trying to find a professional response to the email.
"What are you having trouble with?" Dax asks, running his fingers through his hair before continuing to type on his laptop. He's wearing his suit pants and shirt but with the top of the shirt unbuttoned to reveal some of his chest.
I want to walk over to him and kiss his chest, but he seems pretty serious about getting his work done.
"This guy, Mark, keeps sending emails about shit that he should be figuring out on his own. I'm not good at saying things professionally."
"Well what do you want to say?"
"That sounds like a you problem."
Dax laughs softly. "Okay put this."
I prepare to type, listening closely as he speaks.
"Though I appreciate you asking for my guidance, I believe that specific issue falls within your realm of responsibility. If you need additional assistance, don't hesitate to ask your partners or project manager for help."
I type what he says, blushing a bit. God, he's so hot when he's all professional.
I send the email and go to the next one. "How do you say 'stop emailing me so fucking much' in a business way?"
"I appreciate the updates, but it would be best to reduce the volume of our emails moving forward to make sure that important information isn't lost in conversation."
I send that one as well, and do the simpler ones on my own. I remember what he taught me about small phrases. When someone thanks you, you should say that you're always happy to help rather than saying that it's not a problem. Saying something like 'no worries' diminishes the time and effort you spent to help.
"Hey, Dax? Where did you learn all this stuff? They never taught us anything like this in school."
He sighs. "My dad wasn't totally useless. I know I can come off as narcissistic or egotistical, but it wasn't really like I had a choice. I was bred to be a businessman. Everything from the way I talk to the way I walk was ingrained into me since I was a child."
"Well some of that shit you'll need to unlearn, but I think your little professional lingo is hot." I admit. He glanced over at me and smirks.
"Well I think your stupid Gen Z slang is adorable."
"Cap. You literally hate when I say things you don't understand."
"We went over this. Cap means you're lying."
"I thought that was no cap."
I laugh softly and continue to help him respond to his emails, using the back of my hand to rub my eyes. He gets up from the table, making me look up at him. He walks around to put his hands on my shoulders, massaging them gently which brings out a little moan from me.
"Let's take a break. I can tell your eyes are starting to hurt and staring at a screen all day isn't good for you." I smile and close the laptop, tilting my head back to look at him. He leans forward, kissing my lips upside down. My nose brushes gently against the stubble on his chin as our lips move together.
When we pull apart, I smile bigger. "I love you, Dax."
"I love you too. I have some business to take care of at my all girls club. Would you like to come with me?"
"Of course, Master. I absolutely adore Andrew's little sister. She's so sweet to me."
"Yeah, she's been an angel all our lives." He admits, leading me to the room where we both start to change. "I've had my fair share of fights with guys who hurt her. It took her practically all of high school to realize she's a lesbian. I guess it's hard for women in our society to differentiate between being attracted to someone and just wanting validation from them."
"Yeah. That sounds pretty American. Women shouldn't have to seek validation from men anyway. We kinda suck." I explain while putting on something more presentable than the sweats I was wearing.
Dax switches into a black button up shirt rather than the white one he had on so now his entire outfit is black making him look more mysterious for some reason.
I put on black skinny jeans and an Eclipse tee shirt that Frankie got me. His boyfriend's band is actually pretty good and their shirts are pretty neat. This one is black and has a moth tangled in barbed wire.
I put a few chains on the pants and finish the outfit off with some boots. Dax stares at me for a minute before laughing.
"You still haven't grown out of your rebellion phase."
"That's why I'm a brat, isn't it, Master?" I reply. I walk closer and wrap my arms around his neck while staring at his face.
I almost squeal with excitement when I see a red bump on his chin. "Can I pop that?"
"You have a pimple."
"No I don't. I haven't had a pimple since junior year of high school." He says quickly, actually blushing as he goes to the bathroom to look in the mirror. He moves his face closer and groans. "You're fucking kidding. Seriously? I have perfect skin, and a customized skincare routine. How the fuck did I-"
"You sound like a teenage girl, Master." I tell him, trying to hide my smile. Dax does care a lot about his complexion. You'd think it was totally effortless, but he wakes up early every morning to do a routine, and usually drags me out of bed with him.
I think he's insecure about getting zits. I'm not. I like popping them so most of the time I just let mine happen.
"So... can I?"
I pout and glare at him. "Dax Henry Whitlock. Are you really testing me right now? You know how I am when I don't get what I want."
Dax glares back at me for a minute, even taking a few steps toward me, but I hold his gaze and refuse to back down like most subs would've by now. After a few seconds more, he rolls his eyes.
"Fine. But if you use my middle name again I'll bend you over my lap and spank you until you can't sit for a week." He snaps at me, leaning against the sink.
I smile widely and do a mental happy dance. I talk while pinching at his skin to keep him from complaining too much about pain. "I know you don't like it, but I think your middle name is cute. It's a bit basic, but still."
"Your middle name is Sawyer." He replies.
"Shut up."
"So you can use mine but I can't use yours?"
"That's different. My parents got too lazy to pick middle names and just recycled what they had. Will Noel Grayson. Frankie William Grayson, Julian Franklin Grayson, and on and on. The girls at least got pretty names." I mumble, before finishing up and gently patting his cheek. "All done."
"Great. Now, are you ready?" He asks, standing up straight before reaching up.
I smack his hand before he can touch his face. "Don't mess with it or it'll get worse. Besides, your finger oils are probably what caused it in the first place."
He rolls his eyes and takes my hand to pull me outside to the car. I intertwine my fingers with his and kiss his hand as I follow him. Once we're outside, he lets go of my hand and gets into the driver seat and I get in the passenger side.
"So are the girls going to be mad about two men invading their space?"
"No. Sienna informed everyone that people would be coming so any of the women who aren't comfortable being naked around men will be dressed." He explains, making me nod.
"It's really sweet of you to do that for them, you know? Lots of women don't like being vulnerable around men, so it's good for them to have a safe space like that."
Dax smiles at me and takes my hand again as we head towards the club. "I might not always be the most politically correct person, but I try my best to make everyone comfortable."
I nod and turn on his radio, putting on my playlist which causes him to roll his eyes at me, but he doesn't complain.
We get closer to the club making me get a little bit excited. I'm bisexual, so even if all the girls there are lesbians, I could still get some eye candy. I even had a few dreams about Dax being a girl.
God, just thinking about it can get me hard. Girl Dax spanked me so hard and then pegged me. I just know that if he was a chick, he'd have very squeezable boobs too.
"What are you thinking about."
"If you wake up a girl one day will you please peg me?" I mumble, trying to shake the thoughts out of my head.
"Excuse me?" He asks, glancing over at me.
"Nevermind." I laugh.
"Do you want to have sex with a girl, Noel?"
I pause for a minute, looking over at him to see if he's trying to test me. "Is that a trick question?"
"No, not at all." He assures me, so I shrug.
"Yeah, I'd like to. It's okay if I can't. I mean, you're definitely good enough to ditch girls for, but I miss it a little bit."
"Okay. I'll consider it."
I sing a little song in my head but make sure not to look too excited. I don't want Dax to think I need to have sex with women to be happy. It's just something I'd like.
After driving a few more minutes, he pulls up outside of a discrete club. It looks a lot like The Closet used to, but the sign is a pillow with a tiara on it with the words 'Pillow Princess' written in cursive. Dax looks around, making sure there's no bystanders before getting out of the car and walking around to let me out as well. He walks through the first door into a little area where there's two ladies waiting.
"Mr. Whitlock. Pleasure to see you." One greets and he agrees, leading me through the doors.
My eyes widen as I look around a bit, feeling my cock get harder in my pants. I use my hands to cover it as I look around at the pink and red LED lights shining on the soft skin of all the women. Some are topless or in very small clothes.
There's a stage where a scene is going on. Shibari from the looks of it. There's other small stages as well, these ones with poles. Some girls are dancing on them while others watch, but there's no money involved so I guess it's a kink thing. My jaw practly drops as I desperately try to keep myself from drooling.
There's all kinds of sexy women here. Ones with big boobs or small boobs. Tall women and short women. Women of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Honestly, I'm super picky with guys, but women are all beautiful.
My eyes scan around for a little longer before one woman in particular makes my cock go soft instantly. My eyes get wider as I start walking towards her.
"Noel? Noel, don't bother anyone. Are you listening to me?" Dax nags, following after me when I ignore him.
Once I get close enough, I grab a handful of her hair and practically yank her out of her seat.
"Ow, you fucking cunt." She snaps, turning around to face me before her own eyes widen as well. She blushes and crosses her arms over her chest. Luckily, she isn't one of the naked ones. If she were, I would've barfed. "Look, I can explain."

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