Chapter Twenty Nine- Guilt

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Chapter Twenty Nine-


"Dax asked me to tell you to come into his office. He seemed pretty mad though." Fizzle informs me.

"Oh please, you know me. If I schmooze him enough then he won't be mad anymore." I assure him, making my way to Dax's office, strutting with a confident sway.

It's been about two weeks since the party that got me in trouble. Jasper and August have taken Mickey on two dates so far and he told me that he's seriously considering doing a scene with them.

The only problem is that he's scared of being tied up. Of course, he's got a right to not like being tied up.

Something happened to him at one of the parties he went to. He was crossfaded and clearly incapable of making his own decisions. Unfortunately, the guys he was with didn't care.

I feel shitty about it. If I had gone with him then I could've kept that from happening. That's why he and I always go to parties together. That way when I'm totally fucked up and plastered, he can protect me and the same goes for him.

Once I get to Dax's office, I see him sitting in his chair with Wenn and Elliot in the seats in front of him. I pause, glaring at the redhead.

This whole situation is shit. The fact of the matter is, I don't give two flying fucks who is at fault. I don't care if Sawyer broke up with him and I don't care that Teagan is the one that couldn't keep it in his pants.

Teagan almost abandoned us just like my parents did, and it's because of Wenn.

I'm mad at Sawyer for getting into that argument in the first place. Honestly, Candace is always happy to help anyone. Although it was definitely a weird request, she wasn't even upset by it.

I'm mad at Teagan for letting it get that far and not trying hard enough to stay with us. He went to Will's soccer game and took Julian and Frankie to a movie, but he must not give a shit about me at all because I got no such courtesy.

As a matter of fact, I didn't even know they had an argument until after Teagan already fucked some other guy.

They're supposed to be together. We all got a new shot at having a stable family. Teagan wasn't just Sawyer's boyfriend. He was like a parent to us, and to think that he was willing to throw all of that away for some twink who isn't even good enough in bed to keep a dom longer than a month or two is just a slap in the face.

That being said, they can all get fucked with a dildo made of barbed wire.

"What the fuck is this, an intervention?"

"First of all, watch your tone with me. Second of all, you have some explaining to do, so sit your ass down and get to talking." Dax snaps at me.

"I've done nothing wrong." I tell him, plopping down on the couch.

"Strike one."

Fizzle was right. He is really mad. Dax usually lets me joke around for a little bit before he starts getting serious.

"I don't see why telling the truth is a problem." I answer. Nothing I said was inaccurate.

"I don't see how keeping your fucking mouth shut is so difficult for you. I have a punishment planned for you already, but I expect you to apologize to Wenn, and if I ever hear about you doing some shit like this again, you'll get a hell of a lot worse than the punishment you're getting this time."

"I'm not apologizing to that homewrecking little snitch."

"I didn't snitch." Wenn replies defensively.

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