Chapter Fifty Three- Strip Show

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Chapter Fifty Three-


I take another sip of whiskey from the glass Wenn brought me while watching Noel and his friends dance. I'm assuming he'll be pretty caught up with Mickey and won't want to do a scene until we get home.

Noel has Mateo, Elliot, Fly, Beck, and even Skylar dancing with Mickey and him. Mickey tried to grind on Skylar, but after swiftly getting put in his place and seeing how large Dimitri is, he hasn't tried again. Now he's stuck between Beck and Fly who don't seem to mind the way his hips move to the sultry beat of the song.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Spencer asks, glancing over at me.

"If this is about Mickey trying to dry hump your boyfriends, take it up with his doms. They practically begged me to agree."

He sighs and takes my drink from me before I can take another swig of it. He puts it back on the table and puts his hands in his lap, timidly meeting eyes with me.

I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to the innocently submissive way he acts sometimes. I've seen him be dominant. When he gets into his dominant position, he's got an aura that radiates off of him, but right now he looks so meek. He looks... nervous.

"It's not about that. Can we go somewhere private?"

I nod and stand up, extending my hand to take his and lead him to my office. I close and lock the door before taking a seat on the couch and gesturing for him to do the same.

"What's this about, Spencer?"

"Sorry, just give me a minute." He mumbles, sitting down next to me. He takes a deep breath and begins to speak again. "I consider us friends. I didn't want to tell you at first because I thought it might affect your decision on accepting us to join, and then we got closer. I didn't want you to see me any differently or be upset about it, but now it feels like I'm lying and I don't want to lie to you."

I look at him curiously and tilt my head. What on earth is he so nervous about? Why would I care about something he didn't tell me?

"Okay. I consider us friends too."

"I fucked your dad." He blurts out, lifting his eyes to meet mine as his face turns red.

My eyes widen, and I clench my jaw, trying to keep the anger off of my face. It's not Spencer who's the problem. I'm just getting tired of my father having sex with people I know or like or am attracted to. What happened to the guy who hated gay people? I guess he doesn't feel that way now.

"I'm really sorry. It was before we even met and I was a stupid kid. I'm sorry for keeping it a secret all this time. I just didn't want you to be mad at me."

"I'm not mad," I say through clenched teeth.

"You look mad. I feel terrible about it. I knew he was married because he was wearing his ring, and obviously, I knew about you. You were launching Whitlock Enterprises-"

"Wait, what? When was this?"

Spencer shrugs his shoulders. "I had just turned 18 two months before, so I think you would've been 18 also. Why?"

I roll my eyes and try my best to hold back any tears threatening to spill out. A year ago I could've had this conversation without a single expression, but Noel makes me so soft and weak. Everyone always tells me it's okay to be vulnerable. It's just scary to let people in.

"Because when I was 18, he was still beating me for being gay."

Spencer's eyes widen and his face pales as he looks at me, his body shivering as he curls in on himself. I'm assuming he didn't know he was having sex with a child abuser. My father is a great liar. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea that he hurt you, Dax."

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