Chapter Thirty Four- News

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Chapter Thirty Four-


Ring ring ring

I groan and reach my hand over to grab my phone. I look at the name, rolling my eyes 'Drug Addict :P'. Instead of ignoring it like the four times before, I answer.

"God fucking damnit Mickey, what do you want?"

"Noel, you need to turn the news on right now. Channel 12." He sounds serious. Considering it's Mickey, that's scary.

I tilt my head and stand up, walking down the steps to the living room so that I don't wake Dax up with the noise. I turn the TV on and flick through the channels before finding what he was talking about. There's a woman talking about leaked photos. Wait... is that me?

"-cheating allegations are confirmed by photos we received from an anonymous source claiming that they were taken inside of a discrete and exclusive nightclub called 'The Closet'. The man speculated to be the lover of Dax Whitlock, Founder and CEO of Whitlock Enterprises, is seen in a few photos kissing and dancing with many other men while wearing quite revealing and promiscuous outfits. Ever since the photos were put into the public, many have speculated that he may be a prostitute or sex worker of some kind..."

My mind drifts off as I stare at the pictures. A sex worker? They think I'm a hooker just because I was dancing with my friends at a club and flirting with a few guys? All of the pictures have everyone's face blurred but mine, and Dax can't be found in a single one.

There's a few of me dancing with the other subs. One of me kissing Andrew. How the hell is this happening?

"Noel? Noel, can you hear me? Are you watching it?" I hear Micky say, but it sounds so distant like he's talking underwater. Maybe it's because my mind is racing so fast I don't even know how to react. I hang up the phone and toss it on the couch before turning to the stairs.

"Dax! Dax, come down here!" I shout, waiting a minute for him to get down the steps.

He's not wearing anything but a loose pair of sweats, his hair is a mess and his face is still sleepy, but I'm too stressed to find it cute right now. He walks over and frowns at me. "What's got you so worked up, baby?"

I use the remote to rewind to where I turned it on, letting him watch what I saw. I tune in again, listening to what the woman said after that.

"We're receiving live footage from the club in question where hundreds of people are eagerly awaiting an answer."

The video cuts to a view of the outside of the club where James is standing sturdy in front of the door despite people pushing each other, trying to get past, shouting out questions and shoving cameras in his face.

"This is private property. You're not allowed to enter."

"Do you know the man in question?"

"Does Mr. Whitlock know that his boyfriend is a prostitute?"

"What type of establishment is this?"

"Does Mr. Whitlock frequent here as well?"

Dax turns the TV off and sighs, clearly growing more angry by the second. His breathing gets quicker and his hand grips the remote tighter.


"Shut up."

I glare at him and cross my arms over my chest. He's not the one getting called a whore and a cheater. Why does he think it's okay to be mad at me? He's not even in any of the pictures! I'm the one getting ridiculed on television for thousands of people to see.

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