Chapter Twenty One- Ropes

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Chapter Twenty One-


I love waking up in Dax's arms. They clench around me like he's scared to let go. They're strong and warm, pulling me close to his chest which is rising and falling with his deep breaths that perfectly match my own.

He's cute when he sleeps. His lips part slightly and his eyelashes manage to look even longer when his eyes are closed. I even think it's cute that he drools onto the pillow sometimes.

"Uh... Noel?" I turn around and sit up slowly so that I don't wake up Dax.

Will is downstairs sleeping on the couch with his friend Theo, so the room is empty. "Just come in."

Frankie slowly opens the door and walks in, his face beet red for some reason. He looks to me nervously before glancing at Dax. "C-Can we talk... like privately?"

"He's a deep sleeper. What's up?" I assure him, tilting my head while trying to keep back a little smile.

I feel like I know what's coming. I went to Sawyer when I was around this age, and so did Will. He's just starting high school and he's got a crush and suddenly he's around all of these really hot people that have caught his interest. The issue is that we're always told not to pursue anything.

"I uh... could you do me a favor? I can't do it because I'm not an adult yet, but since you're 18, I just thought..."

"What's the favor?" I ask, unable to hide my smirk anymore.

He glares at me and pouts. "You already know. Why are you making me say it?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"If I give you the money then could you, like, go to the adult store and get me a thing." He mumbles, sitting down on the edge of Will's bed.

"What kind of thing?"


"Shh, you're gonna wake up the giant if you keep yelling." I warn him. I know Dax won't wake up to any noise. He wakes up when his body wants to. No earlier and no later.

"Just g-get me something."

"Well, what I get you depends on if you're a top or a bottom."

"I hate you."

"Then I guess it's a no."

He huffs and shuts his eyes as his cheeks get even more red. "Could you just get me a vibrator, please."

"What kind?"

His eyes snap open, and he tilts his head with a confused look.

"You didn't know that there's different kinds?"

"Why would I? I've never even seen one before except in porn and they all look the same." He complains, looking down at his lap.

"Have you had sex?"

"No! God, no. Sawyer said that we shouldn't do that until we're at least 16."

"I was 13 when I first had sex, but it's guess that's why he told everyone else to wait. Anyway, what stuff have you done?"

"Why does it matter?"

"I need to know how much you can handle so I don't get you something that's going to hurt."

"I haven't had anything big. Just... fingers, and..."


"Well, Mason touched me before, but it was uh... well, he..."

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