Chapter Twenty Two- Parents

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Chapter Twenty Two-


Dax reaches down to pet my hair as he starts to talk with the other doms. "Those two work so well together. I haven't seen a dom and sub mesh that well in a long time. Probably since Skylar and Dimitri got together."

"Are you upset that your pet is happier with him?" Andrew asks Teagan. I glance over at Teagan who has Sawyer in his lap. Teagan glares at Andrew, and honestly, nobody can blame him. Andrew's purpose in life is pretty much just to push everyone's buttons.

"Of course not. We're all adults here, and I knew the whole time that my relationship with Beau was meant to be temporary. We worked fine, but it wasn't quite what either of us wanted. I'm glad that he's with Claude now because I know he's happy. Besides, Claude is a good dom who will give him plenty of praise and be very kind and gentle with him. I agree. They're perfect for each other." Teagan responds, hugging Sawyer closer.

Teagan is always so mature and almost motherly especially to me. It's hard to imagine him doing anything with someone as small and innocent as Beau.

"It was really hot what they did with the ropes and all. Is there anyone that could teach us that?" Andrew asks Dax.

I'd really like for them to learn it. I would jump at the opportunity for Dax to tie me up like that. Even someone watching from the outside can tell that it's more than just getting tied with ropes.

Skylar likes ropes as well, but he does more of a decorative thing. The way Claude does it is like it's replacing the play all together. Doms often use handcuffs or ropes to tie their subs up and enhance what else they're going to do. The way Claude did it was like the process of tying the rope was the actual scene and the other stuff was just for show.

Beau has said many times that Claude makes him cum with just the rope. No spanking or flogging. No toys. No sex. It's practically magic, and I want to experience it.

"Only a few doms here are trained in kinbaku, but I could ask Claude about teaching a few lessons. Noel has been wanting to try it anyway, so I might as well learn." Dax agrees, making me smile.

I swear that man can read my mind. He stands up and has me take his seat rather than kneeling on the ground.

Dax grabs my chin to force my eyes to meet his. "Be good."

I smirk and nod. He leans down to peck my lips before walking off towards their playroom. I let my eyes rake down the muscles in his bare back before landing on his cute ass.

I envy the guys who got to top him back when he was in high school. Obviously he's too big for me to pounce on him now, and he'd never let me fuck him even if I wanted to. I can dream though.

"He's so sexy walking away." I hum out loud, my eyes following him until he disappears down the hallway.

"You're a little pervert." Andrew teases. He leans in so that our noses are touching and his lips are just barely brushing mine. "I like that. It makes me excited to pin you to the bed and fuck you in front of Dax."

I try to hide my blush and arousal while responding with a snarky response. "You talk a big game, Andrew, but I have a feeling that you couldn't please me half as much as Dax can."

Andrew glares at me before leaning back. He reaches down to have Fizzle move from the floor into his lap. "Well, Soda Pop is better than you anyway."

I roll my eyes, making Andrew reach over to pinch my inner thigh. "What the fuck, Asshole?"

"Roll your eyes at me again, and I'll tell you're big bad dom. He'll rip you to shreds."

"Jokes on you. I love being shredded."

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