Chapter Seven- Wax

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Note: read chapters 8-12 of Mercy before this chapter

Chapter Seven-


I put the phone up to my ear with an impatient sigh. Master Dax lives in a pretty large penthouse, and I can't come in until he tells the stupid doorman that I was invited. I've never been in Master's home before, so I'm excited to finally see it.

"Whitlock." He answers with an oddly cold and business-y voice. I don't like it.

"Grayson." I mock, hearing him laugh a little.

"Sorry, baby. I didn't check the caller ID before I answered. What's up?"

I smile and fight the blush threatening to appear on my cheeks just from his few words. "The doorman won't let me into the penthouse until you tell him that I'm allowed in. Could you come out and yell at him for me?"

The doorman rolls his eyes at me when I glare at him and sighs. "I'm just doing my job, kid."

"Put me on speaker." Dax tells me, and I obey. Once I let him know that he can be heard, he starts speaking. "Noel is my submissive, Fabian. He can come in, and if he ever shows up here I want you to let him in whether I'm here or not, okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Whitlock." Fabian responds, unlocking the door and opening it for me. He doesn't look the slightest bit phased by Dax introducing me as his submissive, so I'm sure he knows about the unorthodox lifestyle the two of us have. I'm also sure that he probably signed an NDA before Dax told him anything about it.

Once I hang up on Dax, I stick my tongue out and flip Fabian off with a little smirk. I bet he hates me as much as the bouncer at The Closet.

When he closes the door behind me, I start to look around, my eyes going wide as my jaw drops. This place is massive. There's hardly any walls anywhere, so as soon as I walk in, I can see the dining room, living room, and kitchen.

He has a large and fancy looking chandelier hanging from his incredibly high ceiling. His walls are windows that extend from the ground to the ceiling, giving me a perfect view of the entire city. I bet I could see Sawyer's house from here.

The kitchen is where I go first. I like to cook and all of his things are so fancy. The stove is built into the island in the center of the room, and there's barstools on the other side where people can eat.

His appliances are all new and fancy looking, and everything is pure white. The countertops, drawers, handles, and shelves. The only things that aren't are the appliances which are silver.

I go to the dining room next. The table and chairs are white with dark blue placemats. It's pretty boring to be honest.

The living room, however, is anything but. The couches all have interesting shapes with pillows of all textures and sizes on them. Once again everything is white except a thick, dark blue knit blanket. He's also got a clear coffee table with some magazines on it. One stack is BDSM magazines and the other is sports magazines, mainly basketball.

I laugh at the stark contrast just as Master Dax walks down the stairs. He's in a suit minus the jacket. His shirt has the top few buttons undone as well and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows.

"How long have you been in here?" He asks seriously, making me tilt my head.

"10 minutes maybe?"

"So is there a reason you still have clothes on?" He asks.

I frown and look down before shaking my head slowly. Rule Six, my body belongs to him, and he wants me to be naked when we're alone. "Sorry, Sir. I got a bit distracted by everything, and totally spaced out."

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