Chapter Thirty- Sub Drop

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Chapter Thirty-

TW: Talks about self harm


"Go ahead and get started." Dax tells me. I'm standing naked in the main area of the club. The only thing covering me even the slightest bit is the collar around my neck.

No matter how mad Dax gets, he'd never take my collar off.

He hands me the paddle, and I sigh deeply. I run through the script in my head while walking over to Jasper. I clear my throat and hold the paddle out to him. "Hello, Sir. I've been a very arrogant slut, and I need to be punished. Will you please paddle me?"

Jasper glances at August before looking back at me. I can see the sadism in his eyes as well as amusement. He looks behind me at Dax and smirks.

"How hard can I hit him?" Jasper asks.

"As hard as you want unless he safewords."

Jasper scoots his seat back and gestures for me to lay over his lap. I obey, ignoring the way his knee presses against my ribs slightly. It's a punishment. It's supposed to hurt. I shift a little bit, feeling his hand begin to rub my ass.

"Maybe we should ask Dax about fucking you. You've got the best ass I've ever seen." He hums.

"Thank you, Sir." My response to doms complimenting me is nearly robotic now. Sure they make me feel good about myself, but it only really means something when it's coming from Dax. After touching me a bit longer, I hear Dax clear his throat.

"Don't get so handsy." He warns.
I smirk. Even when he's mad, he still gets jealous when other men touch me.

This punishment is physical, but mental also. I know how Dax thinks, and this is more than just handing me off to other doms so that they can punish me. It's more than the public humiliation. It's like he's trying to say that, right now, I'm not even worthy of being punished by his own hand.

Jasper rubs the paddle against my ass before pulling his arm back to swing it forward. The impact hurts a hell of a lot worse than normal paddles. I can feel the sting of each little dull spike, and my nerves aren't liking it much.

"Ow... fuck." I whine.

Jasper hits me again, ignoring all of the small noises of discomfort and pain that I make. I can feel people looking at us. It makes me nervous because I'm sure a ton of the doms are itching to punish me too.

God, why did I pick the one with spikes? They aren't very sharp, but the pain is definitely worse than what I've felt before.

After Jasper paddles me about five or six times. He gropes me one last time before handing the paddle to August. I stand up and repeat my script to August.

"Hello, Sir. I've been a very arrogant slut, and I need to be punished. W-Will you please paddle me?"

"This is surely going to be a fun night for you." August tells me sarcastically.

I lay over his lap and try to keep in my pain. I clench my teeth and wince each time he hits me. The pain is changing from the stinging sensation to a throb as my ass starts to bruise. God, it hurts so much.

I deserve it though. Dax told me that Wenn was going to hurt himself because of what I said. I never meant to take it that far.

I'd never want him to self harm because of me. Sure, I tend to say things I don't mean, but I feel terrible about it, and this feeling is a hell of a lot worse than the paddle.

I don't bother wiping my tears when they start coming down. They'll only be replaced by more, so there's no point.

I repeat the routine for the rest of the doms while really thinking about how I got into this situation.

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