Chapter Sixty- Challenge

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Chapter Sixty-


I look at Noel for a moment longer, enjoying how peacefully he sleeps next to me. The more I spend time with him, the more I realize that I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

I could die tomorrow, or the sun could implode. We could get hit by a meteor and go extinct like the dinosaurs. Nothing in life is certain. Nothing but the fact that I love Noel and every second I spend with him is another moment I get to cherish forever. Even if it's spent with him hogging the blankets, snoring, and drooling on my pillow.

I grin and lean down to kiss his forehead before standing up to go to the kitchen. I start to get out a few things to make chocolate waffles. Noel's little sister gave us a recipe book as a housewarming gift when Noel officially moved all of his things in. She made a note on it that these were Noel's favorite breakfast. I know she's only nine, but that little girl can cook like a professional chef and don't even get me started on her baking. I'd get on my knees and grovel for more of her pistachio baklava, but apparently, she's too young to run that bakery full-time. Who knew elementary school would be so time-consuming?

Once I find the recipe, I get out everything I'll need to start cooking, answering my phone when it begins to ring. I put it to my ear and greet the person on the other line. "Whitlock."

"Hey, Dax. I was wondering what time would work best for the interview today. I called Fabian to set up a meeting, but he said it's his day off." Claude informs me.

I sigh softly, hoping he didn't hear. Noel and I were both very surprised when he asked about using us as inspiration for characters in a book. I never thought my life was interesting enough to be a book until Noel showed up. He's the center of attention and the life of the party. I feel like it was a no-brainer to pick him, and maybe I just got pulled along because we're together.

I didn't think he'd want to talk to me, let alone write about me. Claude and I aren't close. We aren't even friends. The things we have in common are way outnumbered by our differences. We're both doms and we're both in the older group of people at the club. We're both fairly stubborn and stoic, and we butt heads constantly because we have very different opinions and backgrounds.

Claude is a French farm boy and I'm an all-American businessman. He's mixed and I'm white. He's a writer and I'm an entrepreneur. He drinks wine and I drink whiskey. Hell, we both like BDSM and we're still polar opposites in that respect too. I like experimenting and trying new things. Claude sticks to his rope niche and hardly ever strays from it. Frankly, he annoys me and I find him boring.

"You can come in an hour or so. I'll send you the address."

"Got it. See you then."

I hang up and text him my address before putting my phone away to start on the waffles. I've been learning from Noel about having more balance. We're going to have to be social later, so for now, I want it to be just us without any distractions.


"So what kind of questions do you have?" Noel asks, sitting on the couch across from where Claude is seated.

"Just some things about your lives and thoughts. I'm just looking for an overview now and we can get little details later."

"Can I get you a glass of whiskey?" I ask from the kitchen as I pour my own. I Can see and hear them from here because of the open floor plan, but they aren't paying much attention to me.

"Do you have any wine?"

I roll my eyes and put the alcohol back on the top shelf. I walk back to the living room and sit next to Noel, draping my arm around him. "I don't. I'd rather spend my money on real alcohol."

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