Chapter Forty Five- Electrostimulation Scene

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Chapter Forty Five-


"There's lots of people getting ready to see you, baby. Are you going to do good for me tonight?"

"Yes master."

"Tell me your safewords."

"Temperance to slow down and transparency to stop." I respond, keeping my position.

I like being on my knees when it's for Dax. I respect him because he respects me. I obey him because he understands me. I've had hundreds of people try to tame me. Teachers, parents, siblings, friends... hell, even random strangers have tried to change how I am, and none succeeded.

Nobody cared to listen to me. I was always younger or smaller or dumber or weaker than them. They thought I should obey because they were better than me. They never respected me. They never really heard what I was saying, and they never understood me as an equal.

Dax does. And I understand him too. I'll never have a connection with anyone the way I do with Dax.

"Noel? Did you hear me?"

I tense, but quickly relax again when I see the teasing look in his eye. "No. I'm sorry, Master. I was just thinking about how perfect you are for me."

He pulls a blindfold from his pocket and wraps it around my head, tying it securely, somehow without getting my hair stuck in it.

"Shut up. Flattering me isn't going to work." He assures me after a moment of making me wait. From the sound of his voice, I think he crouched right in front of me.

I smirk and lean in with my lips puckered. My lips press against his chin, making his stubble prick me slightly. I laugh a little bit, and he does as well. I feel his lips press to mine right after.

"We're doing electro play. I told you to use your safewords if you feel even the slightest bit off, and don't worry about the crowd. Focus on us."

"No need to worry about that at all."

"I know." He answers, having me hook my finger on his belt loop.

I follow behind him, letting him lead me to the stage. Due to the location of his playroom, we don't have to walk through the crowd to get to the stage like everyone else, so I don't hear the whispers and chatter of the people until we're walking up the steps to the stage.

When Dax stops, I go into the presentation position. I spread my feet at shoulder width and put my hands behind my head, keeping my posture correct.

Dax said when I do a scene with him in front of people, my resting position is the presentation position. I was nervous at first because I want to do well tonight. It's the first scene we've done at the club in public like this.

Everyone knows I'm a brat, and I hear Dax tell his friends that I'm only like that when I know he's okay with it. He tells them all the time that I know when to be serious and practically sings my praises to them, but they never believe him. They still think badly of me.

It's not just about proving that I'm a good sub, but also proving that Dax is an amazing dom. Since I got here, he's been the one training and teaching me. If anyone is a product of what he can do, it's me.

I know he's nervous too. Andrew and Skylar always tease him, saying that he's lost his mojo. Andrew even offered to help him whip me into shape... literally. Andrew phrased it like it would be a favor, but I saw the look on Dax's face before he shrugged it off.

Once I come back to reality, I hear the people in the audience quiet down. Dax leads me to another part of the stage and pushes me back a few steps until my back is against something leather. It feels like a St. Andrew's Cross. For a second I wonder if I should spread my arms out for him, but I don't. Instead I do my best to keep myself from thinking too much.

I stand patiently as he takes my wrists one at a time and cuffs them to the X, followed by my ankles.

Once I'm leaning back slightly with my arms and legs spread out, I hear Dax step away. I inhale slowly and release it as I hear the clinking of Dax fiddling with his tools.

I feel the straps of a flogger tickle against my chest slightly before the flogger is pulled back and swung, the straps smacking against my skin lightly.

The sudden movement makes me jump slightly, feeling the leather cuffs restraining me when I move. The first few smacks are definitely just to warm up. I hardly felt them, but he's getting more rough with the flogger.

I hear soft voices, but do my best to tune them out as Dax continues to sprinkle hits on my chest, and the front of my thighs. He hits my cock a few times as well, making me grow hard within a few minutes of him teasing me.

After hitting me more, I can feel my skin warming up. Surely I'm turning red now with the blood rushing to the surface of my skin. I can feel my cock practically leaking as he puts the flogger aside and runs his hands all over me. He rolls his tongue around my nipple and bites slightly, making me wince and let out a soft moan. He chuckles and kisses my chest.

I hear the pop of a lid and feel the cool gel dripping on my body right after. I hum, feeling him spread the gel everywhere he plans to shock me.

I huff, getting impatient after a minute. He keeps getting me excited and then disappearing. "Master, please?"

"Quiet." He answers.

I keep my mouth shut, waiting longer for him to decide to give me the pleasure he knows I so desperately want.

That must've been shocking for people considering the way the whispers start up again.

Well most are whispers, but I'm sure everyone can hear Andrew's big mouth. "Surprised he got his brat to shut up."

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