Chapter Forty Nine- Yes, Master

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Chapter Forty Nine-


I never thought in a million years that I'd let myself be in this position again, but with Noel, it's like the rules I've made over the last 26 years of my life don't apply anymore.

I let him get so deep into my heart and embed himself there, so I don't feel the need to act with him anymore. I don't have to be strong or confident. I don't even have to be in control.

"A-Are you sure? Look, I know I suggested it, but I was kinda joking. I never thought you'd agree, and I definitely didn't expect you to." Noel looks at me with wide eyes as if he's seen an alien or something.

"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't sure." I assure him, reaching my hand over to rub his thigh.

I park the car outside of the building and get out, walking around to open his door, making him grin up at me as he steps out. "Just for the record, Dax. Best birthday gift ever."

"That's not your only gift. I also got you that VR headset thing you wanted."

Noel squeals and practically jumps up and down, making me doubt just for a second if this is the man I want to submit to once we get to the club. Noel and I have a playroom on both floors, but we typically use the one in the dungeon. Most of my close friends are sadists so almost all of us prefer it.

Hayes and Teagan both opt to sit with Claude and the duo now, but it doesn't feel empty. Not with Mateo and Spencer keeping us company at least.

"I'm so excited. For both things but mainly the dominating you part. That's going to be a dream come true. I have the best ideas." He informs me, his enthusiasm making me smile.

"I'm glad you're so excited, Noel. Just remember that you can't put anything inside of me. I'm not a bottom." I remind him, making him nod in agreement. He knows which toys he can't use because he isn't trained with them yet, but I'm sure he'll make it fun even without using some of the more dangerous things I use on him.

We get in the elevator and push the button for the top floor. I put my hands on Noel's hips and press my lips to his cheek, smiling as the door opens on the third floor.

I pull away from Noel and look at the person standing there.

"Down?" He asks, but I shake my head.

"We're going up."

"I'll wait for the next one." He tells me.

I reach over to hit the close door button, but before I can someone yells, "Hold the elevator!"

I hold back my urge to sigh and push the open door button instead. When he steps in, I do sigh, leaning against the wall with a blank face.

Noel, on the other hand, huffs. "Should've closed it."

Elian rolls his eyes, gathering the loose papers that are practically falling out of his arms. Once they're neat again, he reaches over and pushes the eight. I notice the chipped polish decorating his fingernails as he pushed his glasses up on his face, waiting for the elevator to close.

"What are you doing here?" Noel snaps at him, making me reach over to pinch his side. He smacks my hand away, turning his attention back to Elian.

Elian fiddles with the papers, clearly avoiding eye contact as he answers. "Mr. Whitlock uses the meeting rooms on the eighth floor."

"You can probably use his name. It's not like you haven't had his dick in your ass." Noel answers.

"That's enough," I tell him, praying that the elevator moves quicker.

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