Chapter Forty Four- Piper and Killian

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Chapter Forty Four-


"Public? Yeah, I'd love that. You usually try to showcase other couples though. Why us?"

"I may be biased, but I think that you're the best sub to showcase electrostimulation. Your reactions are beautiful. I think it will encourage some subs to be more open to it. Out of most of the kinks in the club, electrostimulation is one of the most common hard limits."
I roll my eyes and rollover on the couch, watching Dax change the sheets on the bed. Ever since I told him about my odd little kink, he's been having sex with me more.
It's not usually kinky when we're at home. Here in the new playroom, he's more aggressive. He likes embarrassing me, so when I'm super bratty, he does everything he can to humiliate me. I don't get bashful easily, but there's one sure-fire way to get me embarrassed enough to cry.
He just fucks me until I piss.
I don't know if it's because that's the only thing that embarrasses me when we have sex or if he's got a piss kink too, but he seems to find it amusing. I don't have many complaints. I think it's pretty hot actually.
"So when are we doing that? Will it be in the dungeon or on the normal stage?" I ask, fiddling with the friendship bracelet Elliot made me.
The last time NERFF got together, we all used Ramey's beads to make bracelets. Mine is yellow and says 'piss boy' on it. Elliot seems to think it's funny to make fun of me.
We all have matching ones. Fly's says 'Twinkie' on it because we all tease him for being a twink. Fizzle's says 'Welcome' as a reference to his brother always calling him a doormat. Ramey's says 'alphabet soup' because he's developed a habit of humming his ABC's when he's bored. Lastly, Elliot's says 'Queen'. It's not a jab at him as much as it is at Hayes who likes to be called King.
"We'll be on the normal stage but I made sure that your brother and Teagan won't be watching. We'll be doing light electrostimulation and flogging tonight. In just a few hours so you can take this time to relax and do as you please so long as you follow the rules. I want you back in this room and kneeling on the floor in two hours."
"Yes, Master." I agree, standing up to stretch.
I don't bother putting any clothes on as I leave the room, strutting around without a care in the world. Dax doesn't complain about me being naked anymore especially since he knows I wouldn't do anything to hurt him.
I walk to the bar and grin at the guy behind it. Since Mateo joined, Dax has been letting more doms in without being as strict about their income. He even lets them work to pay off their playrooms. This new one is pretty nice.
"Could you get me some fruit from the kitchen? Dax seriously almost put me in a coma this time, and I'm starving." I order.
"I'll need to see your ID." Lumo asks, his deep voice and accent making him that much more attractive. The funniest part is that he isn't joking. Ever since the whole scandal happened, servers and anyone who works here are supposed to check ID's anytime someone orders anything just to make sure they're on the list.
I should be exempt though because I know he knows me. As a matter of fact, everyone here knows me.
I lean close, smirking at him as I stare into his brown eyes. His skin is very dark and his hair is rough and coily, but pretty too. In the times our shifts have overlapped, we've talked a lot.
Lumo is originally from Ghana but moved to the US right before middle school. He's told me how tough it was being a foreigner in American school systems. Especially a black one. Though I can't totally relate, being poor in a middle class school got me and my siblings picked on quite a lot too.
He's a verse but prefers to dom. He's still training as both though. Dax has let him watch a few of our private scenes just to observe how both the dom and sub react in certain situations.
"I'm naked, Lumo. I don't keep my ID up my ass, so you can just run along and get me that food. Besides, I didn't even order a drink."
He gives me a blank look and reaches out to put his hand on the back of my neck, he leans closer to press his forehead against mine before walking off to do as I asked.
I'm not sure if it's his culture or just something unique to him, but Lumo is rarely kind or affectionate in obvious ways. He's cold and distant. He doesn't talk much, and when he does it's minimal. That forehead touch he does is like his version of showing his feelings for someone.
He doesn't have romantic feelings for me, but he's mentioned that I remind him of a friend he had in Ghana. As far as I can tell, he's more comfortable with me than other people.
Dax doesn't really like him touching me, but I know he doesn't mean it in a sexual way, so I just let him be.
When Lumo returns, he gives me my fruit, leaving me to eat while he checks on some other people at the bar.
I look around the club, smiling at how many more people have joined since we expanded. Dax is making a lot more from the club now and I can tell that having more people around to play with makes the free doms and subs happy. When I see Ramey with a boy I don't recognize, I wave at him, prompting him to drag his friend over to me.
"Noel! I brought a friend. Don't worry, Daddy already asked Dax if it's ok and he said yes because Piper is a sub already at another club." Ramey rants, pulling his friend along.
Piper blushes and smiles, waving at me. He's pretty clothed for a sub. He's got black shorts and a cropped tee shirt on.
"Hey. I'm Noel."
"I'm Piper." He responds with a little smile. He seems a bit shy.
"You're from Ramey's old club, right? The one with assigned doms?"
"Yeah. My current dom was coming for a business conference and I practically had to beg him to let me tag along so I could see Ramey." Piper complains.
"Master Soren loves taking subs on trips. Why was he fighting you about it now?" Ramey asks and Piper shakes his head.
"New assignments were last week, remember?" Piper informs us.
"Who do you have now?"
Piper rolls his eyes. "Killian."
"Oh darn. That sucks." Ramey sighs.
"What's so bad about him? Is he shit in the sack or something?" I ask.
Piper shakes his head. "The opposite actually. With Soren it was amazing. He gave me plenty of space to do my own thing and he treated me really well. He liked taking me places and going on dates. It's like we were a couple and I enjoyed it a lot. He was a bit more vanilla than me so our sex life wasn't through the roof or anything, but it was nice to have him as a dom."
"And Killian isn't like that?"
"No. He's so uptight and annoying." Piper starts, and I notice a taller Irish looking man walking closer to us, but I don't mention it. I find it entertaining to see subs get in trouble. "He's always in my business and I can hardly stand it. He wants to know every single thing I do and wants me to tell him every time I do much as leave my flat. He's up my ass all the time and I hate that in a dom. It's just... our kinks align really well. Our scenes always leave me feeling pleased and content and when he touches me it's like-"
"You never want me to stop." The man says, wrapping an arm around Piper's waist, their accents are different.
Ramey's is Welsh, but it's not as strong as Piper's Welsh accent. Killian's is definitely Irish.

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